The impact of economic growth and population growth rate on the human resources development index in Iraq for the period (2000-2020)


  • Elham Musa Muhammad College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Zaki Matta Aqrawi College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan, Iraq



Countries around the world seek to achieve advanced levels of human development due to the great importance of this topic to achieve the desired goals of serving society and increasing well-being, which is the last link of economic development. However, this human development can only be achieved by targeting rational policies in dealing with its main indicators. The other secondary matter requires achieving high levels of the values ​​of the Human Development Index by maximizing the indicators of this guide, represented by education, health, and income.
This development is also affected by a group of variables, including what was chosen for the purpose of the test, which are the variables of population increase and economic growth, represented by the gross domestic product of Iraq and for the time period (2000-2020). In this study, the theoretical aspects of what is related to population increase and its theories and economic growth and its theories were addressed. And then human development and its vocabulary and related matters, leading to a practical application that included the first axis, testing the relationship between population growth and economic growth for the period referred to, to test the direction of the relationship between the two variables, which is still a matter of controversy until now, and as a result of using quantitative analysis, using the usual least binomial method, and adopting the simple linear regression model. It was concluded that the relationship between population growth and economic growth in Iraq is a positive relationship indicated by the value of the independent variable parameter (population increase). The relationship was significant through the calculated (t) value that appeared, which was greater than the tabular t value. The second axis of the scientific application of this study included the use of modern econometric tools to test the relationship between the independent variables (population increase and economic growth) with the dependent variable (the Human Development Index). After using the (Eviews 10) program, the model was reached that represents the relationship between the variables, as well as determining The optimal lag period through the (ARDL) methodology after the analysis moved towards this methodology and after conducting the stability of the time series for the study variables, which stabilized at the first difference for all of them. Thus, co-integration was also tested, and the results showed the existence of this integration, as well as the existence of a balance in the relationship between the study variables in The short term and the long term, and then these relationships were tested through diagnostic tests for non-stationarity of variance, serial correlation between the residuals, normal distribution test, and finally the structural stability of the model treatments was tested. A set of conclusions was also drawn up that included the conclusions of the theoretical side and then the conclusions that were based on the results obtained from the applied side. The study was accompanied by another set of recommendations for teams to improve the relationship between the variables in order to reach advanced human development and achieve high values ​​for the Human Development Index in Iraq.


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How to Cite

Musa Muhammad, E., & Matta Aqrawi, Z. (2024). The impact of economic growth and population growth rate on the human resources development index in Iraq for the period (2000-2020). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 975–1002.


