Cultural globalization and crossing borders in contemporary Kurdish poetry (Badinan region 2010-2020) with examples of several poets


  • Havin Saeed Khedir Department of Kurdish Language, College of Primary Education, Zakho University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Mohammed Bakir Mohammed Department of Kurdish Language, College of Education, Salahaddin University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



In this research, the reflection of cultural globalization and crossing borders in the poems of (several poets) in Badinan region, between the years (2010-2020) is discussed It works on individuals and nations themselves, and is a discourse addressed to the nations of the world, its content does not advocate the expansion of culture, and is the completion of the cultural balance between nations, which protects and recognizes the cultures of nations.

Crossing boundaries often leads to globalization, which is another tool for technological and electronic culture to control literary programs, thoughts, views, critical methods. Crossing boundaries is the basis of individual and public culture in the poems of several poets It is characterized by several topics, such as: (change in the level of thought, self-discovery, access to the culture of the other, self-introduction to the global receiver, cultural duality, repetition of space, polymorphism in writing). They have used it in their poems to cross boundaries.


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How to Cite

Saeed Khedir, H. ., & Bakir Mohammed, M. (2024). Cultural globalization and crossing borders in contemporary Kurdish poetry (Badinan region 2010-2020) with examples of several poets. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1374–1384.


