The legal problems related to the independent administrations in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq

An analytical study


  • Esmael Najmadin Zangna Department of Law, College of Law, Cihan University_ Sulaymaniyah



Independent Administrations, Governorates, Administrative Units, Provincial Council, Governor, Local Administration Supervisor, General Directors.


In recent years, Independent Administration has become one of the terms circulating in the administrative arena of the Kurdistan Region. However, the use of Independent Administration is rarely seen to be designated, associated, or mentioned with the term ‘provinces’ in the context of administrative organization. In addition, among the independent administrations are those that have completed a decade of their life (the Garmian administration), and some that have not passed two full years since their founding (the Soran and Zakho administrations). This administrative entity, which carries out the administrative function within the administrative boundaries edict in its founding decisions, was not mentioned explicitly or insinuatingly in the framework of the law concerned with organizing regional administrative units in the Kurdistan Region, which is the amended Law of the Provinces No. 3 of 2009.

That state of affairs prompted this research to investigate the legitimacy of this administrative entity in reality; in a way that this study came to clarify the legal problems that circle these departments with regard to their legal basis, composition, specializations, and the extent to which they are subject to local and central censorship.

This research relies on an in-depth analytical approach and within the framework of an adequate research structure in which the related problems are studied by distributing them into three sections. Therefore, each section is devoted to researching one or more legal problems related to the Independent Administrations. Subsequently, the research reaches its most essential recommendation, which represents the necessity to establish a legal reference for the Independent Administrations through the development of specific legislation to organize them, or making the necessary amendments in the Governorates Law No. 3 of 2009 amended in order to include in the law these administrations as a local administrative unit similar to that of governorates.


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How to Cite

زنگنة ا. . (2023). The legal problems related to the independent administrations in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq: An analytical study. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 1(1).