Organizational culture and its role in determining levels of organizational commitment (An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in a number of government departments in the province of Dohuk)


  • Maan Th. Arif Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan region of Iraq
  • Abdullah O. Saeed Directorate of Urban Planning, Dohuk Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The last decades of the second millennium have witnessed tremendous changes and developments in the information and communication sector and the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization and the resulting opportunities and threats that have cast a shadow on various sectors and at all levels. Organizational culture through common values, ways of thinking and beliefs plays a prominent role in connecting employees to their organizations and achieving good standards. This is in addition to achieving a satisfactory level of organizational commitment which contributes significantly to the achievement of the organization's objectives.
The present research seeks to test the correlation between organizational culture as an independent variable and organizational commitment as an approved variable. The sample of the research is represented by a number of employees in a number of government departments in the province of Dohuk. Statistical analysis of data and results and testing of research hypotheses, the results of the analysis showed a correlation and a significant moral effect between organizational culture and organizational commitment.
The first chapter dealt with theoretical culture and included the concept, importance, entrances, characteristics and elements of the organizational culture, while the second section dealt with organizational commitment and the concept, importance, types, entrances, dimensions and consequences of organizational commitment. The field covered three topics, the first of which dealt with the research methodology, the second dealt with the description of the questionnaire, the sample and the research sample and the research hypotheses.


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How to Cite

Arif, M. T., & Saeed, A. O. (2019). Organizational culture and its role in determining levels of organizational commitment (An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in a number of government departments in the province of Dohuk). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 8(2), 487–503.


