Electronic Management And Its Effect On The Quality Of Services For Business Organizations. A Survey Of A Sample Of Individuals Working For Dohuk Hotels


  • Mohammed A. Omar Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Roj I. Mohammed Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Nzar M. Ali Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Zakho, Zakho, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq




Management, electronic management, quality, quality of services


The aim of this study is to identify the application of the most important requirements of electronic administration and its impact on the quality of services. The study has focused on a number of tourist hotels as a sample of the study in Duhok Provence. The sample contains of 75 individuals who are managers and head of departments working in those hotels. The outcomes of the questionnaires have been analyzed by using SPSS program using statistical percentages, averages, standard deviations, correlation and regression. To demonstion the reality of application requirements of electronic administration and its impact on the quality of services as a sample of the study organezetion. Descriptive analysis of the variables requirements of electronic administration shown that the degree of overall variable agreement reached (66.80%). also the degree of overall variable agreement of services quality reached (70.67%). The outcomes of the study have revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between electronic management requirements and the quality of services. Additionally, the outcomes showed that the quality of services is affected by the electronic management requirements significantly.  Based on the outcomes, the study suggests that it is important to have the electronic organizational structures when providing the services to the costumers so as to reduce the routine procedures. This, in turn, will reflect positively on the quality of services.


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Electronic management and its impact on the quality services for the business Organizational
Exploratory study of a sample of individuals working for the province of Dohuk Hotels
Mohammed Abdulrahman Omar1 & Rush Ibraheem Mohammed2 & Nizar Mohammed Ali3
Lecturer - Administrative Sciences Dept. – Faculty of Humanities – University of Zakho – Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq 1
Lecturer - Administrative Sciences Dept. – Faculty of Humanities – University of Zakho – Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq 2
Lecturer - Administrative Sciences Dept. – Faculty of
Humanities – University of Zakho – Kurdistan Regional Government – Iraq 3



How to Cite

Omar, M. A., Mohammed, R. I., & Ali, N. M. (2017). Electronic Management And Its Effect On The Quality Of Services For Business Organizations. A Survey Of A Sample Of Individuals Working For Dohuk Hotels. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(2), 157–173. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v6n2a50


