The Reflection of Objective Biography in Jan Dost's Novel "Mirname"


  • Jalal Anwer Saeed Department of Kurdish Language, Faculty of Education, Koya University Koya KOY45, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



After the classism school and the emerge of romanticism school, the genres were not powerful anymore and gradually the literary genres started to merge and mix in each other. The best and the most suitable genre to gather all the other genres is novel. This is because of its wide atmosphere and it is the first art which can merge these genres not only without being criticized but to be considered as a high invention. Thus, novel created an atmosphere for the dialogue among the different discussions which is considered as one of the most known characteristics of novel. This dialogue caused the appearance of dialect merge asking for removing all the limits among the literary genres and even more it is asking to remove all the intellectual, cultural and mentalism foundations because there is no doubts that the whole intellectual works of the humans are nothing except the are asking for reforming and developing the early works of the nations.

In literature of the world and Kurdish as well, biography has a significant availability and it is one of the genres that novel has opened its door to it which has caused the enrichment and developing novel. However, in Kurdish novel, specifically the objective biography has been studied or taken into consideration less. But in the last 10 years there have been good attempts and experience. “Mirname” is one of those successful experience which has shown the life of the great Kurdish poet “Ahmedi Khani” in the fame of an artistic novel. Due to the newness of the experience, we decided to simply point out and explain the “reflection of objective biography features in Mirname novel.

Our thesis is consisted of two parts. The first part has focused theoretically and by some short articles on the definition of biography and its types in general and objective biography in specific and the relation of objective biography with novel. In the second part, we have explained the relation of objective


biography with history, novel treaty, referential treaty and categorizing novel by reflection of Ahmedi Khani’s biography in the novel.

Finally, we have summarized and shown the most important conclusions of our thesis in certain points.


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How to Cite

Anwer Saeed, J. . (2024). The Reflection of Objective Biography in Jan Dost’s Novel "Mirname". Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 1075–1088.


