The quality of integrating texts is obvious in Nalband's poems


  • Huda Sadeeq Ahmed College of Languages, Department of Kurdish Language, Duhok University, Kurdistan-Iraq



The current work is titled The Characteristics of Religious Intertextuality inAhmed Nalband's Poems. This study shows the connection of intellectuality of his poems and religious texts. It is also an attempt to show the clearness and expertise of the poet in the domain of concreting and making use of religious texts and this is a proof of him being affected by such texts, especially Holy Quraan. His use of intertextuality with Quraan has been a reason behind of the close relation of his poems' language and style of the heart and the psychology of the reader. Every word, sentence, and expression taken have elevated his poems in terms of the ability of conveying and explanation in a way that they do not need further elaboration and demonstration. There are many viewpoints about intertextuality as a concept and new term, and criticism. These are important bases in the  text and intertextuality that have the ability of showing the poet's creativity. Intertextuality has been a powerful and an important resource in building texts. Text in the limited framework of conveying one meaning goes further with intertextuality to convey diverse implications and meanings. Intertextuality is an important basis for reviving and enriching the text. The objective of this study is showing the different aspects of religious intertextuality in Nalband's poems. It also shows the impact and aesthetics of making use religion in the lines of his poems. Nalband has got benefit from religious textsand has shown the connection between the texts for the sake of implementing new understanding on the text and these have been important reasons for choosing this topic. In this study, an analytical and practical method has been conducted. In the analytical one much benefit has been got from Julia Christifa and Jerar Jeniti viewpoints. The overflow of their ideas has been a trend and method for the practical mechanism of poetic texts. This research is composed of abstract, two main parts, conclusions, and the list of references. The first part deals with the explanation, functions, types, and forms of intertextuality. The second part deals practically with religious intertextuality with examples from Nalband's poems.


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How to Cite

Sadeeq Ahmed, H. . (2024). The quality of integrating texts is obvious in Nalband’s poems. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(1), 1089–1103.


