The role of Strategic Intelligence in enhancing the requirements of the Entrepreneurial University


  • Hakar Zaki Mohammed Amedi Technical Institute- Duhok Polytechnic University- Duhok- Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Aveen Salim Nori Duhok Technical Institute-Duhok polytechnic university- Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Khairi A. Osu The Technical Administrative College, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



الذكاء الاستراتيجي، عناصر الذكاء الاستراتيجي، الجامعة الريادية، متطلبات الجامعة الريادية


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of strategic intelligence and its role in increasing  entrepreneurship university requirements at sample of governmental universities in Duhok city. The study initiated a hypothetical diagram that considered the direction of the relationship between variables. Data was collected using questionnaire survey and descriptive analysis approach. The distributed questionnaire surveys were 70 forms and of them 65 forms were returned back and used in the analysis. Furthermore, assessing the effects of influential factors on the requirements of governmental universities has been achieved through statistical analyses. The results indicated that the university’s interest in strategic intelligence and the requirements of governmental universities was one of the most important findings. The study made a series of recommendations and the most important of them is granting rewards to university employees and academic staffs in order to encourage them toward applying entrepreneurship principles at the researched universities in this study.



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How to Cite

Mohammed, H. Z., Nori, A. S., & Osu, K. A. (2021). The role of Strategic Intelligence in enhancing the requirements of the Entrepreneurial University. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(1), 183–192.


