Problems Students Face in Translating Discourse Markers from English into Kurdish


  • Haneen Islam Saleem Department of English, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, IRAQ
  • Hakar Hazim M.Ameen Department of Translation, College of languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, IRAQ


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Keywords: Discourse markers, Grammatical category of discourse markers, Factions of discourse markers, Discourse markers in Kurdish, Fraser's (1999) Model



This paper investigates the problems are found in the translation of discourse markers from English into Kurdish. One of the main problems that discourse markers cause for translators is that discourse markers may have various possible translation choices. Moreover, a discourse marker has many functions, i.e. it may have more than one function. It can be thus used to show a variety of relations between several written discourse parts. Accordingly, a translator has to decide the function that a discourse marker has in a definite context to give the correct translation. In this paper Fraser's Model of discourse markers analysis (1999) has been chosen for investigating discourse markers. As for the data analysis, four students of the Department of Translation at the University of Duhok have been chosen to translate the same text from English into Kurdish to show the difficulties in choosing the correct discourse markers in these four different translations. The results showed that there are no equivalents in choosing the correct discourse markers when translating them into Kurdish.    


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كيفية الاقتباس

Islam Saleem, H., & Hazim M.Ameen, H. (2021). Problems Students Face in Translating Discourse Markers from English into Kurdish. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 10(3), 1–8.


