Analyzing the Role of Motivation as a Moderate Factor on the Relationship between Personality and Organizational Commitment


  • Zhiyar Mohammed Ismael Department of Bussiness Administration, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq



This article examines the moderate role of motivation on the relationship between the big five model of personality traits and organizational commitment as an attempt to understand the influence of multitude psychological and motivational factors on employees’ behavior towards their organizational commitment.

     In general, the idea of this framework is taken from personality aspect and Theory of Commitment of (Allen & Meyer, 1996) which focus on how well the job is being performed by employees rather than only asking if they are doing their job. The basic foundation for forming and developing this new framework is: (1991) Allen & Meyer’s model of Organizational Commitment, Job Characteristics model of employee motivation for Hackman & Oldham (1975), and Big Five Model of Personality for Cost & McCrae.

     In this study, data has been collected from surveying 241 employees of one of the private universities in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), results indicate that personality has a significant negative relationship with organizational commitment (r= -.729).

     The importance of this framework is epitomized in deeply understanding the work and personnel psychology aspects according to the interrelated effects of personality and extrinsic motivation on employees’ behavior that will help organizations to seek and tailor best solutions to their problems and to achieve organizational development, effectiveness, and employees’ well-being.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohammed Ismael, Z. (2021). Analyzing the Role of Motivation as a Moderate Factor on the Relationship between Personality and Organizational Commitment. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 10(3), 355–365.


