Python Parallel Processing and Multiprocessing: A Rivew


  • Zina A. Aziz Technical College of Information Akre, Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Diler Naseradeen Abdulqader Department of Computer and Communication, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Amira Bibo Sallow Department of Computer and Communication, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Herman Khalid Omer Department of Computer and Communication, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq



Parallel and multiprocessing algorithms break down significant numerical problems into smaller subtasks, reducing the total computing time on multiprocessor and multicore computers. Parallel programming is well supported in proven programming languages such as C and Python, which are well suited to “heavy-duty” computational tasks. Historically, Python has been regarded as a strong supporter of parallel programming due to the global interpreter lock (GIL). However, times have changed. Parallel programming in Python is supported by the creation of a diverse set of libraries and packages. This review focused on Python libraries that support parallel processing and multiprocessing, intending to accelerate computation in various fields, including multimedia, attack detection, supercomputers, and genetic algorithms. Furthermore, we discussed some Python libraries that can be used for this purpose.


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كيفية الاقتباس

A. Aziz, Z., Naseradeen Abdulqader, D., Sallow, A. B., & Khalid Omer, H. (2021). Python Parallel Processing and Multiprocessing: A Rivew. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 10(3), 345–354.


