Performance Investigation of IP Security Virtual Private Network in Ipv6 Environment using Quality of Service


  • Emad Adil Dawood Information Technology Center, University of Duhok, Iraq
  • Rafid Salih Sarhan Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Duhok, Iraq



Different types of data are transmitted through the internet, these data such as Email, HTTP, FTP and VoIP conversation might contain important and sensitive information which can be read or seen by other users. Many attacks such as man in the middle, packet sniffing and phishing are available and used by many attackers, as a way to access the protected information. Based on this fact, security and privacy become a necessity in the field of private network (intranet) and public network (extranet). IP sec VPN is considered to be the strongest technique for protecting packets from any kind of attack. In this paper, an analytical study is accomplished using opnet simulation software to design and analyze the proposed network. The proposed network represents four sites in different cities are communicating using the technique of IPsec VPN, different scenarios are created and studied to investigate the performance of network using IPsec VPN in IPV6 environment with QoS. The investigated metrics were packet end to end delay, jitter, packet delay variation, download and upload response time.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Adil Dawood, E., & Salih Sarhan, R. (2023). Performance Investigation of IP Security Virtual Private Network in Ipv6 Environment using Quality of Service. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 12(2), 225–235.


