Law applicable to football player contracts


  • Yassin Ismaeel Abdullah Department of Law , University of Nawroz, Duhok Kurdistan -Iraq
  • Bizav H. Sharaf Department of Law, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



Football in our time has become an important part of human life, and one of the strategic issues that are taken into consideration by most developed and developing countries to strengthen mutual relations and cultures, and play an effective role in all economic, social and political fields. Given that football players enjoy different nationalities and are linked to multiple countries, this undoubtedly raises the problem of conflict of laws between the laws of these countries, and thus determine the law that should be applied to it due to the difference in legislative policy from one country to another.

This study comes to identify the legal rules for resolving disputes resulting from the conclusion of contracts for football players by analysis and comparison, and the extent of the ability of those rules to achieve legal security between the parties to the international private relationship. The study ended with a conclusion that included a number of results, the most important of which is that the rules of attribution contained in the Iraqi civil law were not appropriate for resolving the conflict raised by the conclusion of football player contracts, in addition to a number of recommendations.



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أولاً: الكتب

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How to Cite

Ismaeel Abdullah, Y., & H. Sharaf, B. (2021). Law applicable to football player contracts. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(3), 382–399.


