نـظـريـة الـوسـاطـة الـتـحـويـلـيـة


  • Amjad Ali Hussen قسم دراسات السلام وحقوق الإنسان، كلیه‌ العلوم الإنسانیه‌، جامعه‌ دهوك، إقلیم كوردستان- العراق




تعتبر نظرية الوساطة التحويلية إحدى النظريات الحديثة في حقل دراسات السلام والنزاع، تم صياغتها لأول مرة من قبل (جوزيف فولغر) و(روبرت باروخ بوش) في كتابهما (وعد الوساطة) عام 1994، تستند هذه النظرية على تغيير العلاقات فيما بين الأطراف المتنازعة عبر التفاعل البنّاء بالإعتماد على عنصري التمكين والإعتراف، ويتم فيها إستغلال القوة الإيجابية للنزاع، أي جعل النزاع كنقطة إيجابية بنّاءة بدلاً من حالتها السلبية المدمرة، من جانب آخر أن هدف النظرية ليس حل أو تسوية النزاع، كما هو الحال عليه في الوساطة التسهيلية أو السردية أو التقيمية بل تذهب أبعد من ذلك بإتجاه تحقيق الغرض التحويلي في العلاقات وتغييرها من حالتها السلبية إلى الحالة الإيجابية، بالإضافة إلى محدودية دور الوسيط التحويلي وبشكل خاص فيما يتعلق بإتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بالقضية المتنازع عليها بين أطراف النزاع فوجوده هو مساعدة هذه الأطراف وتوجيههم وتشجيعهم نحو تغيير العلاقات عبر التفاعل والحوار بالإعتماد على الأمور الكامنة غير الظاهرة التي تؤثر إيجاباً على عملية الوساطة وتحقيق الهدف التحويلي منها.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


- An Introduction to Transformative Mediation: The Association for Conflict Resolution 2913 Annual Conference Minneapolis MN, UND Conflict Resolution Center, Dan Simon’s Twin Cities Mediation, 2013.

- Andre Gazso, Alfred Brezansky, The Vienna Airport Mediation: Point of View of the Vienna Ombuds- Office for Environmental Protection, https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.

- Anne Ardagh, Transformative Mediation: The Opportunity and The Challenge, Research Published by The ADR Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1999.

- Brenda Daly, Noelle Higgins, International Peace Mediation Through a Legal Lens, Research Published by ADRJ, 2011.

- Carolyn M. Manning, Transformative and Facilitative Mediation Case Studies: Improving Relationships and Providing Solutions to Interpersonal Workplace Conflict, The National Conference of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australian, Palm Core, Queensland, 2006.

- Carrie Menkel-Meadow: Distinguished and Chancellor’s Professor of Law, https://www.law.uci.edu/faculty/fulltime/menkel-meadow/

- Charlie Irvine, Transformative Mediation: A Critique, Research Published by SSRN Electronic Journal, 2007.

- Cherylsdfg A. Picard, Kennth R. Melchin, Insight Mediation: A Learning- Centered Mediation Model, Research Published by Negotiation Journal, Harvard College, 2007.

- Geoffry A. Drucker, The Postal Service’s Decision to Use Transformative Mediation, Research Published by Institute for Dispute Resolution, 2004.

- Gregorio Billikkopf-Encina, Contributions of Caucusing and Pre-Caucusing to Mediation, Group Facilitative: A Research and Applications Journal, No. 4, 2002.

- Guy Sinclair, Mediation, Transformation, and Consultation: A Comparative Analysis of Conflict Resolution Models, Research Published by Online Journal of Baha Studies, Vol. 1, 2007.

- Institute for The Study of Conflict Transformation, [email protected]

- Jeffrey R. Seul, How Transformative Is Transformative Mediation? A Constructive- Development Assessment, Research Published by OHIO State Journal On Dispute Resolution, 1999.

- John Peter Weldon, Transformative Mediation: Putting Party Self-determination into Practice, Research Published by Insurance Bureau of Canada.

- John Winslade, Gerald Monk, Narrative Mediation: A New Approach to Conflict Resolution, Jessy- Bass, San Francisco, 2000.

- Jon Linden, Mediation Styles: The Durists Vs. The “Tookit”, Research Published by Resourceful Internet Solutions, Home of Mediate, Washington.

- Joseph Folger, Robert A. Baruch Bush, Transformative Mediation: A Self-Assessment, Research Published by International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 2014.

- Joseph P. Folger, Basia Solarz, The Transformative Framework, Halifax Work Shop, 2015.

- Joseph P. Folger, Harmony and Transformative Mediation Practice: Sustaining Ideological Differences in Purpose and Practice, Research Published by Morth Dakotal Law Review, Vol. 84: 824, 2008.

- Joseph P. Folger, Robert Baruch Bush, Transformative Mediation and Third-Party Intervention: Ten Hallmarks of a Transformative Approach to Practice, Research Published by Mediation Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 4, Jessy-Bass Publishers, 1996.

- Joseph P. Folger, Transformative Mediation: Preserving The Unique Potential of Mediation Across Dispute Settings, Institute for The Study of Conflict Transformative, Temple University.

- Katina Foster, A Study in Mediation Styles: A Comparative Analysis of Evaluative and Transformative Styles, 2013.

- Lisa B. Amsler, Tina Nabatchi, Evaluating Transformative Mediation in Practice: The Premises, Principles, and Behaviors of USPS Mediators, Research Published by Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol.27, No. 3, 2010.

- Mark Dickinson, The Importance of Transformative Mediation to The Internal Workplace Mediation Programme, Research Published by Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol. 22, No, 2, 2011.

- Mediation Styles and Techniques, Report Presented by American Bar Association and Interagency ADR Working Group, Arnold & Porter Paul Porter Conference Center, 2004.

- Nadja Alexander, The Mediation Metamodel: Understanding Practice, Research Published by Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008.

- Noa Nelson, Adi Zarankin, Rachel Ben-Ari, Transformative Women, Problem-Solving Men? Not Quit: Gender and Mediators’ Perceptions of Mediation, Research Published by Negotiation Journal, Harvard College, 2010.

- Patricial L. Franz, Habits of a Highly Effective Transformative Mediation Program, Research Published by OHIO State Journal on Dispute Resolution, Vol. 13: 3, 1998.

- Robert Baruch Bush, Sally Ganong Pope, Changing The Quality of Conflict Interaction: The Principles and Practice of Transformative Mediation, Research Published by Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal, Vol. 3, Issue. 1, Article. 4, 2002.

- Robert Baruch Bush, Substituting Mediation for Arbitration: The Growing Market for Evaluative Mediation and What It Means for The ADR Field, Research 30- Published by Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal, Vol. 3, 2002.

- Ronit Zamir, The Disempowering Relationship Between Mediator Neutrality and Judicial Impartiality: Toward a New Mediation Ethic, Research Published by Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal, Vol. 11, 2011.

- Rory Ridley-Duff, Anthony Bennett, Mediation: Developing a Theoretical Framework to Understand Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sheffield Hallam University, 2010.

- Ryan J. Millard, Adopting Narrative Mediation in Protracted International Conflict: Transcending The Relational and Emotional Hurdles to Resolution in Inter- Group Conflicts, University of Oregon.

- Sean Byrne, Peace and Conflict Studies: The Cutting Edge, Research Published In Transformative Change: An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, Laura E. Reimer, Cathryna L. Schmitz, Emily M. Janke, Ali Askerov, Lexington Books, London, 2015.

- Toran Hansen, The Narrative Approach to Mediation, Reprinted from www.mediate.com.

- Zena Zumeta, Styles of Mediation: Facilitative, Evaluative, and Transformative Mediation, Research Published by Resourceful Internet Solutions, Home of Mediate, Washington, 2000.

- https://en.m.wikipedia.org




كيفية الاقتباس

Ali Hussen, A. . (2023). نـظـريـة الـوسـاطـة الـتـحـويـلـيـة. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 12(4), 1004–1018. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v12n4a1210


