A Systematic Review on Evaluation of Driver Fatigue Monitoring Systems Based on Existing Face / Eyes Detection Algorithms


  • Maryam Ameen Sulaiman Department of Information Management, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok , Iraq
  • Idress Sarhan Kocher Department of Energy Engineering Technical College of Engineering Duhok Polytechnic University




Among the many issues facing the world, the issue of traffic accidents, many security facilities have developed research on fingerprints, palmistry biometrics and other biometrics. In modern technologies, facial and eye detection algorithms have been developed and identified. This paper includes comparisons of face and eye tracking methods, which are extremely useful for identifying individuals in a variety of situations. Facial biometrics are more stable due to their distinct features, which gives them an advantage over other biometrics such as palmistry and fingerprint. This work dealt with 74 studies of face and eye detection and a comparison of algorithms that were used in previous researches, where the Viola-jones algorithm was identified as the best facial algorithm in terms of accuracy up to 98% for different types of face databases because this algorithm depends on geometry of face and also able to detect all faces in the same image, Furthermore, it has been determined that SVM is the best eye detection algorithm due to the accuracy of its characteristics and the speed of execution in real time so, the highest accuracy achieved was 98% accurate .


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ameen Sulaiman, M., & Sarhan Kocher, I. (2022). A Systematic Review on Evaluation of Driver Fatigue Monitoring Systems Based on Existing Face / Eyes Detection Algorithms. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(1), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v11n1a1234


