Image Enhancement based on the Histogram Equalization and Multiresolution Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform


  • Firas Mahmood Mustafa Chemical Engineering Dept., Technical College of Engineering, Duhok Polytechnic University And Department of Communications and Computer, College of Engineering, Nawroz University Duhok, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq



In recent years, due to the tremendous development that took place on the Internet and its applications in the aspects of human life, the demands of using digital images have also increased dramatically, and that opens up horizons for scientific research in the field of improving the quality of the digital images by removing the noise that caused by to processes that are applied within network transmissions like performing storage, retrieval, and encryption to preserve privacy. All these effects are yielded to reduce image quality and loss of visual information. To surmount this problem, image enhancement methods are used to eliminate the noise while preserving supreme exact details and essential characteristics as much as possible in the digital image. The wavelet image enhancement technique played a critical role in this field by attempts to reduce noise in the image while retaining the vital features of the image due to the capability to separate the image into sub-bands (sub-images) and influence the frequencies of each sub-band separately, where acquiring the original image content is essential to obtaining reliable performance.

Different enhancement techniques have been realized by many researchers so far. Each technique has its own privileges and shortcomings. In this work, a proposed procedure is presented and effectuated to the image modified by Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The proposed enhancement operation was achieved using the combination of Histogram Equalization with a two-dimensional stationary discrete wavelet transform (2D-SWT) as a multi-resolution analysis technique in image processing at three levels of decomposition to obtain revised results of the method of noise removing. To distinguish and eliminate noise from affected pixel points in the wavelet domain the 2D-SWT is used based on the hard and soft threshold systems on both high and low frequencies to decrease noise from the noisy image. Then, the multi-level 2D inverse wavelet transform (2D-IWT) is applied to eliminate noise and complete the synthesis of the image by the proposed image enhancement techniques.

In the end, the performance of the proposed methods has been evaluated by using the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). Experimental measurements determine that the results of the proposed techniques enhanced the PSNR by about (16.16%) with respect to the results of the related works, and the structure of the image quality has also been improved in terms of edges retaining and greater noise elimination.



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السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

Firas Mahmood Mustafa، Chemical Engineering Dept., Technical College of Engineering, Duhok Polytechnic University And Department of Communications and Computer, College of Engineering, Nawroz University Duhok, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq



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كيفية الاقتباس

Mustafa, F. M. (2022). Image Enhancement based on the Histogram Equalization and Multiresolution Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(2), 50–59.


