Administrative intelligence and its role in enhancing administrative decision-making An analytical study of the opinions of principals in a sample of public schools in the city of Dohuk – Iraq


  • Ksra Antar Abdullah Zebari Facuulty of Administration and Economics, Department of Administrative Sciences, University of Zakho, Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq



        Administrative intelligence is considered a necessary requirement for educational institutions that are looking for excellence and superiority, and with the contemporary technology revolution and the increasing intensity of competition, these institutions gradually realize the importance of administrative intelligence and its role as an activity that can be organized and methodical, in order to come up with new ways and methods that enhance decision-making. Administrative. Therefore, we aim through this research to identify the role of administrative intelligence in its dimensions in enhancing administrative decision-making in government schools in the city of Dohuk . The research also assumed that there is a correlation and impact relationship with statistical indications between the variables of administrative intelligence and administrative decision-making in the schools surveyed. It was tested using a questionnaire as a means of data collection, which was distributed to a sample of principals in the surveyed schools, where (45) forms were distributed and (40) valid forms were retrieved for analysis. To analyze the data, the SPSS Version 23 program was used, through which frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean and standard deviation were obtained for use in describing and analyzing the research variables and their diagnosis. The effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.                                                                                                                                     

The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:

1- There is a significant correlation between administrative intelligence and administrative decision-making in the schools surveyed.

2- There is a statistically significant effect relationship between administrative intelligence and administrative decision-making in the schools surveyed.                                                                                                                    

The research concluded with a set of proposals for the schools surveyed, the most important of which is the necessity of the principals’ keenness to use the method of dialogue and discussions with their educational staff to reach appropriate decisions based on the future vision, and this has a major role in increasing the ability of educational schools in the city of Dohuk to enhance administrative decision-making.


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How to Cite

Antar Abdullah Zebari, K. (2023). Administrative intelligence and its role in enhancing administrative decision-making An analytical study of the opinions of principals in a sample of public schools in the city of Dohuk – Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(2), 209–224.


