Comprehensive Survey for Designing and Implementing Web-based Tourist Resorts and Places Management Systems


  • Abdulmajeed Adil Yazdeen ITM Dept., Technical College of Administration, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq
  • Subhi R. M. Zeebaree Energy Eng. Dept., Technical College of Engineering, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

KEYWORDS: Tourism, Tourism Management System, Website Management, Tourism management enhancement, Management


Recently, development an efficient Tourism Management System (TMS), become an important issue in tourism toward industry. Internet act one of most common role in popularity information and data to the tourists by uploaded this information include the tourism places, distance through the World Wide Web.  Tourism Management System can be understanding as a complete tourist fully integrated tourism web site. Such website or web application covers all the areas required, in order to display and view wide range of information for one place, to rapid serve connection between manager of place with tourism. It is the process of defining the purpose, vision, and goals of an organization, formulating policies and plans, and then allocating resources to execute the policies and plans, projects, and programs developed to meet those objectives. The major goal of these projects is for better giving a confederacy in managing, logging and logout, complaints and reports. Through the cultural consumption of visitors, tourism types have played a significant influence in the development of regional and local economies. An intangible purpose to build and promote cities and nations through promotion is addressed by a creative tourist system from a new paradigm. Economic, social, political, and cultural factors have all increased their regard for originality and inventiveness as a result of this development. The study attempts to clarifies and displayed various types of systems used by various tourism authorities had a positive possible effect on their operations by making tasks easier for their employees. Furthermore, the study discusses the main differences of these studies by comparing between some of these studies in order to gain the base benefices when new researcher want to make new TMS.



بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


High-quality journal articles having an impact factor were analyzed in this study. The spread of the many types of location-based recommendation apps. Our recommendation focusses on better enhancement and optimization for these studies and papers. In [27], authors used java agent development framework and implement it just for two scenarios involving 100 customers. Our recommendation is using these scenarios in another agent plus, more scenarios and more customer for giving good references for this study. In [28], they focused on hotel website management and the manager of these hotel, we recommend the study is focused for many tourism locations such as coffee-shop and religion and to deal with government for better overcome study. Such as [31], same issues they develop costumer services website for hotel and regard other locations. The authors must develop website or cross platform application that serve different places and sector. To using this system and make it scalable system in we recommend [39], for cloud and cross platform applications. besides, using multi language in order to reach multi culture and people. Finally, we recommend that using the system development methodology uses PHP and Css and Flatter and python MySQL with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach and uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is a tool for system description and design.


Research on tourism is the focus of this study. The past five years' worth of articles were scrutinized. The research focused on 21 publications published between 2016 and 2022 in specifically. Researchers will benefit from this study's findings. It is possible to think of the Tourism Management System as a fully integrated tourism website. Such website or web application covers all the areas required, in order to display and view wide range of information for one place. The mass of information and data exchange between tourism and websites or manager of local places could be challenge for this sector of life. What conclude from this review is that, this industry faces multi outside and inside effect, in order to reflect economy and down or fail TMS. In this review paper we investigate some of important and base issues that could be facing TMS, such as places the information and data, manager and services presented to tourism, demand of tourism which it must satisfied from manager and costumer. Finally, good TMS support local or global passive may income for government or even investment so, giving enhance or creating new model become urgent demand for this industry.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Adil Yazdeen, A., & R. M. Zeebaree , S. (2022). Comprehensive Survey for Designing and Implementing Web-based Tourist Resorts and Places Management Systems. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(3), 113–132.


