Creating a Community-Based Disaster Management System


  • Hewa Majeed Zangana Department of Information Technology, Technical College of Administration, Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Framework for Societies, Disaster, Disaster Management, collaborative system, Flood, Balanced Scorecard.


This research is aimed into Malaysia's efforts to harness ICT's pervasiveness to manage natural and man-made calamities. These efforts have resulted in various agencies and programs ranging from forecasting to coordination and monitoring, but the number of fatalities during such inevitable catastrophes has been a major worry. Unfortunately, as seen by recent storms in Malaysia, the number of such calamities continues to rise. A proposal to create a crisis management joint platform will work alongside government departments, allowing for real-time sharing of knowledge, resources, and information. The building of the mosque drew the community into the system since they are seen as the closest to the people. These actions will surely bolster the government's attempts to meet its objectives. As a result, experts suggest that teaching these communities, which are expected to form a volunteer community, the science of gathering information and putting it to good use in the case of a disaster, would go ways away beyond maximizing tax dollars.



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كيفية الاقتباس

Zangana, H. M. (2022). Creating a Community-Based Disaster Management System. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(4), 234–244.


