The Role of Collaboration in Survey and Documentation of Historic Buildings. Case Study: Akre Historic Area in Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Shireen Younus Ismael Department of Surveying, College of Engineering, University of Duhok, Duhok 42001, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Bekas Jamaluddin Hasan Duhok Directorate of Antiquities, Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism, Duhok 42001, Kurdistan Region-Iraq



Historic buildings express the identity of associated communities and are an important asset for development via tourism activities. Investment in historic buildings is increasingly being acknowledged as an effective strategy for sustainable development. Survey and documentation are a fundamental step in heritage protection. Methods and techniques used in documentation are diversifying as technology progresses. However, documentation is not exclusively based on dimensions data; rather, it includes descriptive data, which helps in developing a holistic understanding of the value of historic buildings that in turn is a prerequisite for developing an effective conservation and management plan. Survey and Documentation has been valued by many international instruments, such as Athens, Venice, and ICOMOS Charter. Iraqi law has since the early 20th century placed high value on survey and documentation of historic buildings. Akre historic city is registered in the Iraqi National Archaeology List of 1970. However, the historic image of Akre historic area is increasingly lost over time due to the replacement of many historic buildings to new architecture and deterioration of many others. Additionally, the local government has not performed proper survey and documentation of the historic buildings, while information of those buildings is likely to be lost every day. Therefore, a collaborative initiative for the study and documentation of the Akre historic area, which is the focus of this study, was implemented in order to lay the foundation for future heritage conservation of this area. Various methods and technologies have been used to conduct survey and documentation activities with the results showing there is still 63% of the buildings having historic potential posing individual and collective value, and 68% of the building occupants still willing to stay in the historic area despite the existing difficulties. Meanwhile, the business is in decline in the old bazaar. This research reveals that the role of collaboration between governmental and non-governmental stakeholders is fundamental to conducting proper documentation of areas with a high density of historic buildings. It involved a collaborative approach that necessitated methods and technologies that fulfill the objectives of all stakeholders, and is expected to lead to further collaborative work for the heritage conservation in Akre historic area and other historic areas in the context.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Younus Ismael , S. ., & Jamaluddin Hasan, B. . (2023). The Role of Collaboration in Survey and Documentation of Historic Buildings. Case Study: Akre Historic Area in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 12(4), 845–967.


