Investigating the Effectiveness of Classroom Management Techniques in EFL Classes in Preparatory Schools


  • Neamat Majeed Abbo English Language Supervisor Directorate of Educational Supervision of Duhok



The aim of this study is to explore the classroom management techniques used in EFL classes by preparatory school teachers. To be more specific,  the study examines how effectively the teachers of EFL use classroom management techniques in their classes. The sample of the study consisted of 5 teachers from one preparatory school. The qualitative data analysis process has been used in this study to collect the data. In other words, the data were collected from five randomly selected participants by means of a 40-minute face-to-face interview of six open-ended questions. A qualitative method was used to analyze the obtained data as the researcher transcribed the responses so as to find out the common themes. The results of the study show that effective room management techniques, namely effective communication, the constant engagement of learners in activities, regular use of questions by teachers, use of behavior contracts, teachers acting as models of good behavior, and monitoring, are all used by the members of the sample. The study recommends that school administrators should regularly organize seminars that aim at training teachers on these classroom management techniques due to their important role in the teaching and learning process.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Majeed Abbo, N. (2023). Investigating the Effectiveness of Classroom Management Techniques in EFL Classes in Preparatory Schools. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 12(3), 120–129.


