Investigating Reading Strategies Used by Teachers at the Departments of English, Universities of Duhok and Nawroz


  • Mohammed Raouf Mustafa Department of English, College of Basic Education, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Lazgin Kheder Barany Department of English, College of Language, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



This paper aims at investigating the employment of reading strategies at the Departments of English, Universities of Duhok and Nawroz by the EFL teachers in their EFL classes. In order achieve the aims of the study and answer its questions  a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire adopted from Oxford et al, (2004) was given to 10 EFL teachers;  6 females   and 4 males, from the departments of English at the colleges of Languages and Basic Education at University of Duhok and Nawroz university .  The questionnaire consists of 40 reading items grouped into three categories of (pre-reading stage, while-reading stage, and after-reading stage) that cover all the possible reading strategies used in EFL classes. The study has found out that all of the teachers are well aware of the reading strategies. However, the Global Reading strategies are preferred by teachers over the Support-reading strategies and Problem-solving strategies. Moreover, the participant teachers believe that all the reading strategies are important to be used in EFL reading classes. Finally, there were no statistically significant difference in gender between the teachers regarding their use of the reading strategies included in the study. 



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كيفية الاقتباس

Raouf Mustafa, M. ., & Barany, L. K. (2023). Investigating Reading Strategies Used by Teachers at the Departments of English, Universities of Duhok and Nawroz. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 12(3), 424–436.


