Comparing Occupational Health and Safety Systems in Kurdistan Region and Turkey: Problems, Concerns and Solutions Related to the Systems


  • Soran Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Bingöl University
  • Bahalddin Aziz Law Department, Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Occupational Health and Safety, Kurdistan Region, Turkey, Threats, Risks.


In this study, we aim to compare the current Occupational Health and Safety(OHS) Laws and systems in Kurdistan Region and Turkey major business partners and having a huge Kurdish population and similar culture besides being close to each other. Turkey has made great improvements in the OHS in last 10 years to comply with European Union labor law. The problems and benefits of the law in the last 10 years in Turkey will be discussed and compared with Kurdistan Region. Kurdistan Region needs to develop a well-organized OHS system through considering Turkey OHS journey to improve the working life.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Aslan, I. ., & Aziz, B. . (2023). Comparing Occupational Health and Safety Systems in Kurdistan Region and Turkey: Problems, Concerns and Solutions Related to the Systems. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 1(1).