English Language Learners' Opinions of EFL Native and Nonnative Teachers


  • Lazgin Kh. S. Barany College of Languages, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Zirak T. I. Zebari College of Languages, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Applied Linguistics، EFL، Language skills، native nonnative foreign language teachers، TESOL


This paper aims at finding out the opinions of Kurdish English language learners of their native – nonnative teachers of English as a foreign language; identifying  which group of teachers is more useful to them ; native or non-native English language  teachers and in which language skills. The study has hypothesized that Kurdish university students show positive beliefs of native English language over nonnative English language teachers.In order to validate the objectives and hypotheses of the  study,  a questionnaire consisting of  (14) items that included  (9) general  items and ( 5) items on  the teaching of each of the following language skills  grammar; vocabulary; pronunciation; listening ; reading and speaking  was given to one hundred students studying English  at four private  universities in Kurdistan of Iraq. SPSS V.22 ( Statistical Packages for Social Science ) was used to determine the significant differences between native English language teachers and nonnative English language teachers of English as a foreign language  as perceived by students at all levels of language learning skills item by item for all the (14 )items used. The ANOVA 1 test was used to determine the difference and significance of the dimensions of the study. The study has revealed that, in general, students significantly preferred to have native English language teachers more than nonnative English language teachers. However, students significantly preferred nonnative English language teachers to native English language teachers  in teaching them grammar. On the other hand, students thought that native English language teachers were better than nonnative English language teachers  in teaching them speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary and listening.


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Appendix no. (1) The questionnaire
Dear student : I am an MA student carrying out an MA thesis. The purpose of this questionnaire is purely academic. Your cooperation and understanding is very much appreciated. The following are some statements about the native versus non-native teachers of English issues. Please circle what you think it is appropriate for you. Choose either one (native or non-native). There is no right or wrong answer. Please be as honest as possible.
Part One : Personal Information
Gender : Male Female
Age :
University :
Department :
Year (stage) of Study :
Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? ___ Yes ___ No
Have you ever had a native speaker of English as a teacher? ___Yes ___No
If yes, how many were they? ----------
How long have you been studying English? (Please Circle only one)
(1-3years) (4-6 years) (7-10 years) (11-13 years)
I use English everyday Yes --------- No -----------
Why are you learning English ?( I am a student of English), (I need it for my study ),( I need for my career), ( other ; specify )
My English language is perfect very good ------------ good ------------Not good enough.
What is your first language? (Kurdish), (Arabic), (Turkish). (Other, specify)
Please note that your teacher can be
a. A native for example (British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander).
b. A non-native for example (Kurdish, Iraqi, Arabic...etc).
1. 1 In general I would prefer a (native / non- native) speaker as a teacher.
2. I feel more comfortable in class with a (native / non- native) English teacher.
3. The (native / non- native) English teachers are very nice and very responsible.
4. If I could choose, I would prefer to have both a native and a non-native English teacher.
5. A (native/non-native) English teacher is aware of students’ language needs.
6. Many (native/non-native) English teachers have difficulty understanding students’ questions
7. A (native / non- native) English teacher knows the English language difficulties of their students.
8. A (native/non-native) English teacher is friendly because he provides a relaxed learning environment.
9. A (native/non-native) English teacher is experienced because he is more conscious of the students’ learning styles
10. In general (native/non-native) English teacher is better at explaining grammar
11. In general I would learn more vocabulary with a (native/non-native) English teacher.
12. In general my pronunciation would be better with a (native/non-native) English teacher.
13. In general my listening would be better with a (native/non-native) English teacher.
14. In general my reading skills would be better with a (native/non-native) English teacher.
15. In general I would speak more fluently if I had a (native/non-native) English teacher.
Learning strategies
16. In general a (native/non-native) English teacher would use more strategies/ideas to help me learn better.
17. A (native / non- native) English teacher would use innovative teaching strategies to help students learn better.
18. A (native / non- native) English teacher would explain lessons to us clearly.
19. A (native / non- native) English teacher prepares us for independent learning better.
Culture and civilization
20. - I would learn more about the culture of the English speaking people with a (native / non- native) English teacher.
21. A (native/non-native) English teacher is competent because he is more aware of the students’ culture.
22. A (native/non-native) English teacher motivates me to learn about English speaking people and their culture.
23. I would have more positive attitudes towards English speaking countries and their speakers if I had a (native/non-native) English teacher.
24. I would have more positive attitudes towards the learning of English if I had a (native/non-native) English teacher.
25. A (native/non-native) English teacher would assess my listening comprehension better.
26. A (native/non-native) English teacher would assess my reading comprehension better.
27. A (native/non-native) English teacher would assess my speaking better than a native speaker
28. A (native/non-native) English teacher would assess my writing better.
29. A (native/non-native) English teacher would assess my pronunciation better.
30. A (native/non-native) English teacher would assess my knowledge of grammar better.



كيفية الاقتباس

Barany, L. K. S., & Zebari, Z. T. I. (2018). English Language Learners’ Opinions of EFL Native and Nonnative Teachers. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 7(3), 154–173. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v7n3a220


