الإطـار النـظـري لـتحـلـيـل الـنـزاع (دراسة وصفية تحليلية في ضوء دراسات علم السلام وحل النزاعات)


  • Amjad A. Hussien كلية العلوم الإنسانية،جامعة دهوك، اقليم كردستان العراق
  • Vahel J. Chalabi كلية العلوم الإنسانية،جامعة دهوك، اقليم كردستان العراق




إن تحليل النزاع من خلال إطاره النظري له أهمية كبيرة في إيجاد طرق مبتكرة ودقيقة للتصدي للأسباب الجذرية للنزاع وحلها على أرض الواقع، حيث يدرس تحليل النزاع العديد من القضايا والمسائل الغاية في الأهمية، كما يساعد عملية التحليل على بيان مختلف الأطر التي تتعلق بالنزاع وأطراف النزاع سواء المباشرين أو غير المباشرين والعوامل والديناميكيات المحيطة بالنزاع والتي تؤثر على النزاع بشكل سلبي من خلال إستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من الأدوات، حيث تتميز كل أداة وتختلف عن الأخرى من حيث الإستخدام والماهية والهدف وطريقة التحليل فكل أداة تمتلك خصائص مختلفة تساعد القائمين بالتحليل على جمع مختلف البيانات الضرورية للوصول إلى غاية التحليل. إن عملية البحث في النزاع عبر التحليل تساعد بشكل كبير على فهم الواقع والعوامل التي تدفع إلى النزاع وعلاقة أطراف النزاع ببعضها البعض وإستخلاص الدروس والعبر من كل حالة لتصبح أساساً واقعياً فيما بعد نحو حل النزاع بشكل علمي ودقيق، كما أن تحليل النزاع يساهم من جانب آخر في بيان مخاطر النزاع على الأطراف المباشرين أو غير المباشرين أو حتى على البيئة التي يعيش فيها الأطراف، بالإضافة إلى القيام بعملية التدخلات التي من شأنها الحد من هذه المخاطر والآثار الضارة وخصوصاً في العلاقة بين الأطراف، وهناك عدة أدوات تستخدم في تحليل النزاع كعجلة النزاع، شجرة النزاع، خريطة النزاع، نموذج غلاسل للتصعيد، مثلث النزاع، وبصلة النزاع، كون النزاع ظاهرة طبيعية تحدث في اي مكان وزمان وبين الاشخاص والجماعات والدول، فمن خلال هذه الادوات يمكن معرفة الاسباب وطرق التدخل لتسويته. 


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


المصادر العربية
1. بيس لابز، )2014(، كتيب المصالحات وحل النزاعات المجتمعية في شمال لبنان، PDCI، لبنان.
2. زينب وحيد دحام، )2012(، الوسائل البديلة لحل النزاعات، ط1، وزارة الثقافة والشباب، مديرية النشر – أربيل.
المصادر الانكليزية المترجمة الى اللغة العربية
1. سيمون مايسون، )2005(، ساندرا ريتشارد، ادوات تحليل النزاعات، ترجمة : محمد الموشي، الوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون (SDC)، منع النزاع وتحويله، بيرن، سويسرا.
2. صمويل هنتنغتون، صدام الحضارات وإعادة بناء النظام العالمي، ترجمة : د. مالك عبيد أبو شهيوة ود. محمود محمد خلف، الدار الجماهيرية للنشر والتوزيع والاعلان، مصر.
3. فرانسيس مارش وآخرون، )2015(، كتاب التربية من اجل السلام، تحرير : كرستين سدبروك، حركة الصقر العالمية، بروكسل.
4. فريق بدائل، )2014(، دليل تحليل وحل النزاعات : نحو سلام مستدام، مؤسسة فردريش ايبرت الالمانية، سوريا.
5. ليزا شيرك، )2011(، استراتيجيات بناء السلام : هل يمكن بناء السلام؟، ترجمة : هايدي جمال، اصدار جمعية الأمل العراقية، دار الثقافة، مصر.
المصادر الانجليزية
1. Conflicts : Sources and Solutions, The McGraw- Hill Companies. 2001.
2. Jacob Bercovitch, Conflict and Conflict Management In Organizations : A Framework For Analysis, Research Published By Hong Kong of Public Administration, V. 5, Issue. 2. 1983.
3. Niklas L. P. Swanstorm, Mikael S. weissman, Conflict, Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management and Beyond : A Conceptual Exploration, Research Published By Centeral Assia- Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, 2005.
4. A Glossary On Violent Conflict, Fourth Edition, Prepared For The United States Agency For International Development Office of Sustainable Development, Bureau For Africa, Crisis, Mitigation and Recovery Division By Payson Conflict Study Group, Payson Center For International Development and Technology Transfer, Tulane University, 2001.
5. Ron Fisher, Sources of Conflict and Methods of Conflict Resolution, Research Published By International of Peace and Conflict Resolution School of International Service, The American University, 2000.
6. United Nation, Conflict Analysis Practice Note, UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), 2016.
7. Conflict Analysis Framework : Field Guidelines & Procedures, Reflecting On Peace Practice Project/ CD, Collaborative Learning Project Global Partnership For The Prevention Armed Conflict, Norwegian Church Aid, 2012.
8. Conflict Transformation and Social Peace Building In Post Conflict Era : Training of Trainer’s Manuel, Sudanese Civil Society Capacity Building Initiative, Project No. 0, (IRG), 2007.
9. Conflict Analysis For UN Peace Building Fund Support, Quarterly PBF Knowledge Management Note, Issue 1, United Nation Peace Building Support Office, 2013.
10. Peter Woodrow, Diana Chigas, A Distinction With a Difference; Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Building, Research Published By Reflecting On Peace Practice Project (CDA) Collaborative Learning Projects.
11. Jenny Berglund, Denis Bruckert, Report On Technological Shortcomings In Early Warning and Conflict Analysis, Research Published By European Union Satellite Center, 2017.
12. Analysis For Conflict and Stabilization Intervention : What Works Series, Research Published By Stabilization Unit, 2014.
13. The Conflict Sensitivity Consortium Presents : How to Guide to Conflict Sensitivity, UK Aid Through The UK Department For International Development, 2012.
14. Florian Stople, Wesler Strab, Beyond Greed and Grievance In South Sudan : Analysis of Ethnically and Politically Motivated Violence, Wtesphalian Wilhelm, University Munster, Institute of Political Sciences, 2014.
15. Manuela Lechhardt, Conflict Analysis For Project Planning and Management : A Practical Guideline- Draft, Sector Project Crisis Prevention and Conflict Transformation, Deustsche Geselischaft Fur Technische Zusammearbeit (GTS), Gmbh, 2001.
16. James Mayers, Stakeholders Power Analysis, Research Published By International Institute For Environment and Development (IIED), 2005.
17. Conflict Analysis and Response Definition : A Bridged Methodology, Center For Conflict Research, West Africa Network For Peace Building, Forum On Early Warning and Early Response, (fewer), 2001.
18. Developing Capacity For Conflict Analysis and Early Response : A Training Manuel Research Prepared With The Support of The Conflict Management Capacity Building Project of The UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs, 2002.
19. Fabio Oliva, Lorraine Charbonnier, Conflict Analysis Hand Book : Afield and Headquarter Guide to Conflict Assessments, United Nations System Staff College, Turin, Italy, 2016..
20. Manual For Conflict Analysis : Division For Peace and Security Through Development Cooperation, Research Published By Sida, 2006.
21. Hsieh-Hua Yang, Lung-Hsing Kuo, Using Conflict-Map As a Tool to Formulate Business Intelligence, Manufacturing and Tourism.
22. Michael Kriner, Intrastate Conflict Resolution : Applications For a Globalized World, Provedence College, Digital Commons, Global Studies Student Papers, 2011.
23. Simon Mason, Sandra Rychard, Conflict Analysis Tools, Research Published By Swiss Agency For Development and Cooperation (SDC), Conflict Prevention and Transformation Division (COPRET), 2005.
24. Cornelia Brinkman, Steps For Peace : Working Manual For Peace Building and Conflict Management, German Development Service (Deutscher Entwicklungs Dienst, DED), Civil Peace Service Programme, 2006.
25. Anne Hammill, Alec Crawford, Robert Craig, Robert Malpas, Richard Matthew, Conflict Sensitive Conservations : Practitioner’s Manual, International Institute For Sustainable Development (IISD), 2009.
26. Conflict Management and Resolution Manual, Research Published By Center For Multiparty Democracy, Malawi.
27. Bob Hansford, David Bainbridge, Shona Macpherson, Conflict Sensitivity, Tearfund Disaster Management Team Good Practice Guidelines, 2007.
28. Tom Woodhouse, Tamara Duffey, Peace Keeping and International Conflict Resolution, First Edition, Peace Operations Conflict Institute, 2008.
29. Ruth Mischnick, Nonviolent Conflict Transformation : Training Manual For a Training of Trainers Course, Published By Center For Training and Networking In Nonviolent Action, Partners For Democratic Change Slovakia, Civilian Defense Research Center.
30. The Process of Escalation : Short Description of The Activity, Session Works On The Theories of Escalation (Escalation Scale By F. Glasl) and Helps The Youngster to Recognize and Analyze The Escalation Dynamic, Lefelong Learning Program Training For The Prevention and Treatment of Youth Violent Behavior.
31. Johan Galtung, Theories of Conflict : Definition, Dimensions, Negations, Formulations, University of Hawai’i, 1973.
32. The Conflict Triangle : Information Sheet, Research Published By Scottish Center For Conflict Resolution..
33. Facilitator’s Guide to Conducting An Introductory Workshop On Conflict Sensitivity : The Practice of Conflict Sensitivity- Concept to Impact, UK aid, The Department For International Development, 2012.
34. Understanding to Prevent : The Military Contribution to The Prevention of Violent Conflict, Research Published By Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), 2014 .
35. Nicole A. Hofmann, Reconciliation in the Transformation Conflict : An Analysis of The South African Experience and Implications For Its Applications In International Conflict Resolution From a Peace Theoretical Perspective, Center For Conflict Studies, Marburg University, 2010.
36. Charlotte Hulley, Youth Peace Building Training, Published By Canadian International Development Agency, International Rescue Committee, Center For The Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2000.
37. Positions, Interests and Needs (PINs) : Conservation, Livelihoods and Governance Program, Tools For Participatory Approaches, Research Published By Fauna Flora International, 2013.
38. The Anatomy of Conflict : A Conflict Analysis Handbook For Journalists : Towards Conflict Sensitive Reporting, First Published, Published By MEDIA, Council of Kenya, Britak Center. Nairobi, Kenya, 2016.
Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills For Integrated Water Resources Management : Training Manual, Research Published By International Network For Capacity Building In Integrated Water Resource Management, UNDP, 2008.


. Conflicts: Sources and Solutions, The McGraw- Hill Companies. 2001, P. 242.
. Jacob Bercovitch, Conflict and Conflict Management In Organizations: A Framework For Analysis, Research Published By Hong Kong of Public Administration, V. 5, Issue. 2. 1983, P. 104- 105.
. Niklas L. P. Swanstorm, Mikael S. weissman, Conflict, Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management and Beyond: A Conceptual Exploration, Research Published By Centeral Assia- Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, 2005, P. 9.
. A Glossary On Violent Conflict, Fourth Edition, Prepared For The United States Agency For International Development Office of Sustainable Development, Bureau For Africa, Crisis, Mitigation and Recovery Division By Payson Conflict Study Group, Payson Center For International Development and Technology Transfer, Tulane University, 2001, P. 18.
. Conflicts: Sources and Solutions, O.P. Cit., P. 243.
. Ron Fisher, Sources of Conflict and Methods of Conflict Resolution, Research Published By International of Peace and Conflict Resolution School of International Service, The American University, 2000, P. 1- 2.
. صمويل هنتنغتون، صدام الحضارات وإعادة بناء النظام العالمي، ترجمة: د. مالك عبيد أبو شهيوة ود. محمود محمد خلف، الدار الجماهيرية للنشر والتوزيع والاعلان، مصر، ص 461 وما بعدها.
. Conflict Transformation and Social Peace Building In Post Conflict Era: Training of Trainer’s Manuel, Sudanese Civil Society Capacity Building Initiative, Project No. 0, (IRG), 2007, P. 15.
. Conflict Analysis For UN Peace Building Fund Support, Quarterly PBF Knowledge Management Note, Issue 1, United Nation Peace Building Support Office, 2013, P. 1.
. يمكن تعريف حساسية النزاع على أنه القدرة على (أ) فهم السياق الذي يدور فيه النزاع، ولا سيما فهم التوترات بين الأشخاص أو المجموعات والقضايا الإنقسامية التي تنطوي على إحتمال حدوث نزاع وقضايا الربط التي تنطوي على إمكانية التخفيف من حدة النزاعات وتعزيز التماسك الإجتماعي؛ (ب) فهم التفاعل بين التدخل والسياق الذي سوف تعمل فيه (سياق النزاع)؛ (ج) العمل بناءاً على هذا الفهم من أجل تجنب دون قصد إلى المزيد من الإنقسام، وتحقيق أقصى قدر من المساهمة المحتملة لتعزيز التماسك الإجتماعي والسلام. للمزيد يُنظر: Peter Woodrow, Diana Chigas, A Distinction With a Difference; Conflict Sensitivity and Peace Building, Research Published By Reflecting On Peace Practice Project (CDA) Collaborative Learning Projects P. 10.

. Jenny Berglund, Denis Bruckert, Report On Technological Shortcomings In Early Warning and Conflict Analysis, Research Published By European Union Satellite Center, 2017, P. 12.
. Analysis For Conflict and Stabilization Intervention: What Works Series, Research Published By Stabilization Unit, 2014, P. 13.
. The Conflict Sensitivity Consortium Presents: How to Guide to Conflict Sensitivity, UK Aid Through The UK Department For International Development, 2012, P. 4.
. United Nation, Conflict Analysis Practice Note, UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), 2016, P. 3.
. Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines & Procedures, Reflecting On Peace Practice Project/ CD, Collaborative Learning Project Global Partnership For The Prevention Armed Conflict, Norwegian Church Aid, 2012, P. 1.
. Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines & Procedures, Reflecting On Peace Practice Project/ CD, Op, Cit, P. 1- 2.
. United Nation, Conflict Analysis Practice Note, UN Development Assistance Framework, O.P. Cit., P. 3- 4.
. زينب وحيد دحام، الوسائل البديلة لحل النزاعات، ط1، وزارة الثقافة والشباب، مديرية النشر – أربيل، 2012، ص 44 وما بعدها.
. Conflict Analysis For UN Peace Building Fund Support, O.P. Cit., P. 2.
. يوضح (ماثيو ليفينجر) في كتابه المعنون "تحليل النزاعات" لعام 2013 بأن المقسمات تعتبر العوامل التي يمكن إستغلالها لإثارة النزاع داخل أو بين المجموعات، في حين تعتبر المشتركات العوامل التي يمكن إستخدامها من أجل تعزيز السلام، حيث يقدم (ليفينجر) قوائم واسعة من المقسمات والمشتركات الإستراتيجية والسياسية والإقتصادية والإجتماعية والثقافية. للمزيد من التفاصيل يُنظر:
Florian Stople, Wesler Strab, Beyond Greed and Grievance In South Sudan: Analysis of Ethnically and Politically Motivated Violence, Wtesphalian Wilhelm, University Munster, Institute of Political Sciences, 2014, P. 18- 19.
. Manuela Lechhardt, Conflict Analysis For Project Planning and Management: A Practical Guideline- Draft, Sector Project Crisis Prevention and Conflict Transformation, Deustsche Geselischaft Fur Technische Zusammearbeit (GTS), Gmbh, 2001, P. 18.
. Manuela Lechhardt, Op, Cit, P. 18- 19.
. James Mayers, Stakeholders Power Analysis, Research Published By International Institute For Environment and Development (IIED), 2005, P. 2.
. Conflict Analysis and Response Definition: A Bridged Methodology, Center For Conflict Research, West Africa Network For Peace Building, Forum On Early Warning and Early Response, (fewer), 2001, P. 5.
. Developing Capacity For Conflict Analysis and Early Response: A Training Manuel Research Prepared With The Support of The Conflict Management Capacity Building Project of The UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs, 2002, P. 50.
. Fabio Oliva, Lorraine Charbonnier, Conflict Analysis Hand Book: Afield and Headquarter Guide to Conflict Assessments, United Nations System Staff College, Turin, Italy, 2016, P. 59.
. Manuela Lechhardt, Conflict Analysis For Project Planning and Management, O.P. Cit., P. 20- 21.
. Manuela Lechhardt, Op, Cit, P. 22.
. Manual For Conflict Analysis: Division For Peace and Security Through Development Cooperation, Research Published By Sida, 2006, P. 12.
. Manual For Conflict Analysis: Division For Peace and Security Through Development Cooperation, Op, Cit, P. 13.
. Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines & Procedures, Reflecting On Peace Practice Project/ CD, Collaborative Learning Project Global Partnership For The Prevention Armed Conflict, O.P. Cit., P. 2.
. Hsieh-Hua Yang, Lung-Hsing Kuo, Using Conflict-Map As a Tool to Formulate Business Intelligence, Manufacturing and Tourism, P. 80- 81.
. Michael Kriner, Intrastate Conflict Resolution: Applications For a Globalized World, Provedence College, Digital Commons, Global Studies Student Papers, 2011 P.29- 30.
. Simon Mason, Sandra Rychard, Conflict Analysis Tools, Research Published By Swiss Agency For Development and Cooperation (SDC), Conflict Prevention and Transformation Division (COPRET), 2005, P. 3.
. Cornelia Brinkman, Steps For Peace: Working Manual For Peace Building and Conflict Management, German Development Service (Deutscher Entwicklungs Dienst, DED), Civil Peace Service Programme, 2006, P. 42.
. Anne Hammill, Alec Crawford, Robert Craig, Robert Malpas, Richard Matthew, Conflict Sensitive Conservations: Practitioner’s Manual, International Institute For Sustainable Development (IISD), 2009, P. 37.
. Conflict Management and Resolution Manual, Research Published By Center For Multiparty Democracy, Malawi, P. 23.
. Bob Hansford, David Bainbridge, Shona Macpherson, Conflict Sensitivity, Tearfund Disaster Management Team Good Practice Guidelines, 2007, P. 28. Conflict Transformation and Social Peace Building In Post Conflict Era: Training of Trainer’s Manuel, O.P. Cit., P. 15.
. Simon Mason, Sandra Rychard, Conflict Analysis Tools, O.P. Cit., P. 5.
.Tom Woodhouse, Tamara Duffey, Peace Keeping and International Conflict Resolution, First Edition, Peace Operations Conflict Institute, 2008, P. 78.
. Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines & Procedures, Reflecting On Peace Practice Project/ CD, Collaborative Learning Project Global Partnership For The Prevention Armed Conflict, O.P. Cit., P. 31.
. Simon Mason, Sandra Rychard, Conflict Analysis Tools, O.P. Cit., P. 6.
. Ruth Mischnick, Nonviolent Conflict Transformation: Training Manual For a Training of Trainers Course, Published By Center For Training and Networking In Nonviolent Action, Partners For Democratic Change Slovakia, Civilian Defense Research Center P. 37.
. Ruth Mischnick, Op, Cit, P. 42.
. The Process of Escalation: Short Description of The Activity, Session Works On The Theories of Escalation (Escalation Scale By F. Glasl) and Helps The Youngster to Recognize and Analyze The Escalation Dynamic, Lefelong Learning Program Training For The Prevention and Treatment of Youth Violent Behavior, P. 3.
. Simon Mason, Sandra Rychard, Conflict Analysis Tools, O.P. Cit., P. 8.
. Johan Galtung, Theories of Conflict: Definition, Dimensions, Negations, Formulations, University of Hawai’i, 1973, P. 105. The Conflict Triangle: Information Sheet, Research Published By Scottish Center For Conflict Resolution, P.1. Facilitator’s Guide to Conducting An Introductory Workshop On Conflict Sensitivity: The Practice of Conflict Sensitivity- Concept to Impact, UK aid, The Department For International Development, 2012, P. 37.
.Understanding to Prevent: The Military Contribution to The Prevention of Violent Conflict, Research Published By Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), 2014 , P. 12.
. Nicole A. Hofmann, Reconciliation in the Transformation Conflict: An Analysis of The South African Experience and Implications For Its Applications In International Conflict Resolution From a Peace Theoretical Perspective, Center For Conflict Studies, Marburg University, 2010, P. 7- 8..
. Ruth Mischnick, Nonviolent Conflict Transformation: Training Manual For a Training of Trainers Course, O.P. Cit., P. 64.
. Charlotte Hulley, Youth Peace Building Training, Published By Canadian International Development Agency, International Rescue Committee, Center For The Study of Violence and Reconciliation, 2000, P. 22. Positions, Interests and Needs (PINs): Conservation, Livelihoods and Governance Program, Tools For Participatory Approaches, Research Published By Fauna Flora International, 2013, P. 1.
. The Anatomy of Conflict: A Conflict Analysis Handbook For Journalists: Towards Conflict Sensitive Reporting, First Published, Published By MEDIA, Council of Kenya, Britak Center. Nairobi, Kenya, 2016, P. 23.
. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills For Integrated Water Resources Management: Training Manual, Research Published By International Network For Capacity Building In Integrated Water Resource Management, UNDP, 2008, P. 38.




كيفية الاقتباس

Hussien, A. A., & Chalabi, V. J. (2019). الإطـار النـظـري لـتحـلـيـل الـنـزاع (دراسة وصفية تحليلية في ضوء دراسات علم السلام وحل النزاعات). المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 8(1), 409–426. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v8n1a332


