Web Analyzer Software Tool in Order to Identify an Know the Behavior of Users That Visit Website


  • Sarhad Baez Hasan Computer Science Department, Soran University, Kurdistan Region –Iraq




The goal of our paper is to design and implement a software tool in order to analyze Apache log file of a website. In this project, a software tool is created that is called web analyzer software tool in order to identify and know the behavior of users that visit a website. This information is used to improve the structure of a website.

Some facilities of our software tool are that it lets a website owner to know the number of requests per a specific day, number of requests per week, and most visited pages, number of visitors per day, most used operating systems during a log file. Moreover, the website owner can investigate an IP to know if it is blacklisted or not and what an IP had done during a specific day and how much an IP was online and what he/she wants. Based on this valuable info a website can response to the requests appropriately. The software tool can find location of any IP address, which browsers, and Operating systems used by the user and the software tool can determine the new visitors to the website daily. Moreover, we can detect the countries of IP address and we show them graphically on a chart. By using this software, we can measure and analyze the website log files easily. The C# language is used for coding; Java script is used to find the location of the IPs.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hasan, S. B. (2022). Web Analyzer Software Tool in Order to Identify an Know the Behavior of Users That Visit Website. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(4), 75–81. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v11n4a506




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