Study trends the general index of a sample of financial markets in the Gulf states by using the candlestick 1/9/2016 and until 1/6/2016 For the period from


  • Ziyad T. Shukri Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq
  • Hezha A. Hussien Faculty of Economics and Administrative, Department of Economics, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdisatn Region - Iraq



Technical analysis, candlestick, the market index, the market trend


The research focused on the study of Japanese candles, one of the techniques in the financial markets, which contribute to guide the investors to get to know market trends, and take decisions of investment right where Japanese candles depends on supply and demand strength in determining the direction of the market, it has been focusing on the general index of the three markets Gulf financial sample to search for the period from 1/6/2016 until 1/9/2016.

The importance of the research that candles contribute to making an investment decision process, not only in stocks, but with respect to overall assets if they were used in the rice trade in the first place. This is what gives the adjective is scientifically the investment decisions taken by investors that depend on historical data, as well as an approach that is less complicated compared to the Hereafter types of analyzes, and stay away from random and moods in the decision.

The objective of this research is to introduce Japanese candles, types and models, and to define the ability of this tool to contribute to the provision of information and the idea of the direction of the future market, because working on a logical basis, because it depends upon a lot of investors and speculators, where the candle shows the conflict between buyers and sellers which determines the general direction of prices, research hypothesis that the candlestick is one of the ways that guide investors and help them in making investment decisions, and contribute to the knowledge of the market trends which will make the investment process easier and minimizing the potential risks have been built, the study reached a number of conclusions including:

Give read candlestick models indications for future trends for indicators the study sample markets that were visible in many trading days, as there is a range of important models in the Japanese candles that have strong connotations assist in investment decision whether to sell or buy.


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(1)الحجم النسبي للسوق مقارنة بأجمالي القيمة السوقية للأسواق المالية المدرجة في صندوق النقد العربي



How to Cite

Shukri, Z. T., & Hussien, H. A. (2017). Study trends the general index of a sample of financial markets in the Gulf states by using the candlestick 1/9/2016 and until 1/6/2016 For the period from. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(2), 215–238.


