Germany’s Investment in the Renewable Energy


  • Hafidh J. Arab College of Economics and Administrative,Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq
  • Aran B. Taha College of Economics and Administrative,Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Renewable Energy، Green Investment، Environment، Solar Energy، Wind Energy، Hydro Energy


Germany is one of the pioneer countries in the field of using all kinds of renewable energy. This inclination has come as an outcome of the environment pollution, because of the hyper - use of the traditional kinds of energy (coal, petrol, and gas), and let alone the other effects of increase in temperature and climate change. Hence, the heading to use renewable kinds of energy has become a demand of the global community. This study concluded that Germany, in particular, has been expanding the production of the renewable kinds of energy; meanwhile, it is decreasing its dependence on the traditional kinds of energy. This, doubtlessly, has been achieved through big deals of investments in the field of renewable energy projects, in all kinds of the said energy, whether solar power, or hydropower, or wind power, or even geothermal power, etc. Therefore, Germany aims at depending more and more on environmentally friendly resources of energy, to decrease the effects of climate change and pollution, which both have made dangerous threats to our plant. Hence, it might not be surprising the spreading - out of the renewable - energy projects, and not to mention the decreasing of their costs via scientific research and technological development, and their costs are competitively becoming even less than the costs of the traditional energy resources. Finally, Germany is also aiming at complete transference to the environmentally - friendly resources of energy, to mitigate, if not to stop completely, the environmental deterioration, as one of the German goals for the new millennium.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Arab, H. J., & Taha, A. B. (2017). Germany’s Investment in the Renewable Energy. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 6(3), 21–25.


