The role of the management consultant's qualities in enhancing the administrative decision-making process An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders in a number of governmental organizations in the city of Dohuk


  • James Y. Audish Department of Information Technology Management, Duhok Technical University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



The current research aim to determining the role of administration consultant's qualities in the process of making administrative decisions, through studying the views of a sample of administrative leaders in a number of governmental organizations in Duhok city, where the researcher benefited in preparation theoretical framework from theoretical literature related to research variables. Based on the foregoing, the present research seeks to answer the question (Does the qualities of administration consultant help in enhancing the administrative decision-making process?). Therefore, a default model has been constructed to clarify the relationship and influence nature to research variables (administration consultant’s qualities, and administrative decisions-making process). A number of statistical methods were used to test and analyze the data collected through the questionnaire which was distributed to a number of administrative leaders in governmental organizations in Duhok city. The most important conclusions were the administration consultant’s qualities enhances the administrative decisions-making process by the administrative leaders in the Duhok city, especially when he has qualities (experience in planning and implementation field, analytical ability, predicting the future and objectivity, and tact in the presentation of recommendations), while the most important recommendation were to increasing the capacity of the analytical administrative consultant in governmental organizations in Duhok city, it is necessary for them to take care by themselves to collecting information and data on the problems facing their organizations, recording and analyzing them, which enables them to provide recommendations to solve the obstacles, in addition to implementing.


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How to Cite

Audish, J. Y. (2020). The role of the management consultant’s qualities in enhancing the administrative decision-making process An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders in a number of governmental organizations in the city of Dohuk. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(3), 305–323.


