Criminal Responsibility for The Crime of Administrative, Financial Corruption and the Crime of Money Laundering


  • Hasan A. S. Saed Faculty of Law & International Relations, Soran University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Haider S. Aref Faculty of Law & International Relations, Soran University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



When we talk about economic crime, we mean the economic world as a special environment for the emergence and growth of crime. There is no doubt that the world of economy has developed with the development of civilization in the industrial renaissance, where the industrial inventions that brought the development of civilization to progress and growth and then reached the modern renaissance the revolution of technology, satellite and computer and its uses, and thus emerged other types of economic crimes that were not known before and do not necessarily accompanied by violence, but it appeared that the perpetrators of these crimes of different quality destroy the theory of “Lombroso” we have seen criminals of another model, the most luxurious of white collar and smarter than the most serious criminals we have read or encountered in our lives. Wars and crises have helped to develop the economic penal law, especially the First World War. During this war, some of the activities directed against the system of food grain supply and the crisis known by the world beginning in (1929) has also recorded the important impact on the development of economic sanctions law, economic sanctions law by nature aims to protect economic policy and the appearance of this policy legislation economic development, which is issued by the state. Therefore, the definition of economic law is one of the most important and necessary issues to define the economic penal law. Perhaps the most prominent field in this development is the field of economic relations. The law and the economy are two types of law of the society and the modern state can no longer overlook the interference in the economy even if economic freedom has been inspired as a fundamental principle and the relationship of economic crime to economic science. Economic crime is an integral part of the economy and therefore economic irregularities are not considered a form of deviation but are rooted in economics himself and the market is considered the primary responsibility for illegal actions and the term economic law can be raised in all societies, regardless of the degree of development.Regardless of how the organization of its economic activity because it is linked to a normal relationship is the relationship of law to the economy, a relationship of cooperation between two branches of social sciences (law in the service of economy) and (economy in the service of law) for example, require legal regulation or the inevitable outcome of the presence of monopolistic centers and consequently the retreat of free competition and economy is in the service of the law when it helps to understand the forensic systems and to clarify their reality and to clarify the change in the application may reach to the point of emptying it of its content, despite the fact that its text and its external frame remain stable and stable.This study is intended to examine the most important and most serious types of economic crimes such as administrative and financial corruption and money laundering. These crimes constitute a danger to national and international security through the alliances of organized crime gangs and terrorist gangs.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Saed, H. A. S., & Aref, H. S. (2020). Criminal Responsibility for The Crime of Administrative, Financial Corruption and the Crime of Money Laundering. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 9(2), 291–309.


