An Investigation and Evaluation of the Impact of the Integrated Language Skills Approach on English Departments EFL Students Speaking Skill in UOD


  • Sabrin A. Ramadhan English Department, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Duhok- Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Asma’ A. Hussein English Department, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Duhok- Kurdistan Region of Iraq



Depending on the channel of communication, people use a variety of skills; particularly, listening and speaking. People often see the need to listen, understand and speak to one another in order to communicate successfully. For this reason, English learners are in need of learning the speaking skill effectively to be able to communicate successfully in real-life English situations. The study adopts theoretical and practical approaches to investigating and evaluating the impact of Listening and Speaking classes on the speaking skill of the students at the English Departments of the College of Languages and the College of Basic Education at the University of Duhok. The paper deals with teaching speaking skill and offers some activities on the speaking skill in the light of communicative language teaching (CLT) to assist the learners in communicating more efficiently in everyday English. The study adopts a mixed methods approach to evaluate the learners’ attitudes towards their speaking skill by constructing a questionnaire for the students, and interviewing them. The study concludes that the integration of the listening and speaking skills helps to improve the students’ speaking skill.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ramadhan, S. A., & Hussein, A. A. (2020). An Investigation and Evaluation of the Impact of the Integrated Language Skills Approach on English Departments EFL Students Speaking Skill in UOD. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 9(4), 51–70.


