Predicting The Role of Entrepreneur Strategies on Improving Cognitive Positioning in Global Business


  • Diyar A. Mustafa Khoshnaw KRG- Ministry of Interior, Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Ari A. Hameed Business administration Lebnanese French University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



The current area characterized with strong competition, the changing pattern of the business, move the value from physicals to knowledges and information, and the shift of the benefits from traditional competition cognitive and intellectual assets, most of the organizations are looking for new methods to achieve a state of leadership and uniqueness in the global market in order to develop the competition.The current study aimed to identify the role of Entrepreneur Strategies on improving cognitive positioning in the global business area. Moreover, field testing of the views of leaders as a sample of foreign organization operating in Erbil - Iraq, where these dimensions vary in their effects towards the competitive position in global business sector, because of rapid changes in the global business environment as a result of increased competition, as well as the variation of the capacity of the organizations in the adoption of competitive as one of the modern models in the conduct of organizations.

This is why the subject of entrepreneur strategies and cognitive positioning in global business became under the attention of many researchers and scholars being of contemporary themes with impact on the performance of organizations in pursuit of excellence on others, prompting the researcher to choose these subjects to be his field for study.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mustafa Khoshnaw, D. A., & Hameed, A. A. (2020). Predicting The Role of Entrepreneur Strategies on Improving Cognitive Positioning in Global Business. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 9(4), 92–98.


