A Systematical Roadmap on Various Security Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures in Routing Algorithms upon WSNs


  • Idrees S. Kocher Duhok Polytechnic University



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Attacks, vulnerability, countermeasures, OSI, wireless sensor network, secure routing protocols.


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is now an evolving technology and has a broad range of applications, such as battlefield surveillance, traffic surveillance, detection of forest fires, detection of floods, etc. The communication nature of the wireless sensor network is unprotected and dangerous due to deployment in hostile environments, restricted resources, an automatic nature, and untrusted media for broadcast transmission. For wireless sensor networks, several routing protocols have been suggested, but none of them have been developed with protection as a target. The majority function in routing algorithms currently in place for sensor networks optimize a restricted capacities in sensor nodes and the application based design of WSNs. A WSNs, however, are exposed to a number of possible threats that impede the network's regular activity. Thus, there is a strong need to provide the routing protocols of the OSI structure layer with a safe mechanism to prevent an attacker from obstructing it.


The well-known attacks against all layers are discussed in this systematic roadmap, and debilitating attacks against routing protocols are analyzed and defined in particular. Several suggested attack countermeasures, design considerations and paper contributions are also included in the routing protocols. The assertion of the study is that WSN routing protocols must be built with protection in mind, and this is the only efficient solution in WSNs for safe routing. The aim of this paper is also to provide problems, attacks and countermeasures related to protection. Finally, it is hoped that this roadmap would inspire potential researchers to come up with smarter and better protection measures and make their network safer.

The first such research analysis of secure routing protocols in WSNs is this roadmap study.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Kocher, I. S. (2021). A Systematical Roadmap on Various Security Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures in Routing Algorithms upon WSNs. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 10(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v10n4a957


