Liability for damages resulting from the use of aircraft Unmanned "drone" in domestic laws and international law


  • Shari Kh. Marouf Law Department, Soran University, Knowledge University, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Yaseen M. Aziz College of Law, Department of Law, University of Knowledge, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Issa Kh. Khairullah College of Law, Department of Law, University of Knowledge, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



The topic of our research is (liability for damages resulting from the use of drones in domestic laws and international law) and we have studied in it the internal laws regarding responsibility for the use of this type of drones, and we have created meeting points for international responsibility for the use of these drones. Aircraft in armed conflicts with international agreements regulating the rules of war through an introduction to the research on the history and importance of aviation and five demands. In the first we dealt with what a drone is, the second is the uses of the drone, and the third is the legal responsibility for the use of drones in law The international law, the fourth is the legal responsibility for the use of drones in the internal laws, and the fifth for the conditions for exemption from liability for the damages resulting from the use of drones. The process and the legal implications of its use and not leaving the subject to jurisprudence and measurement, and the development of a state agreement Within the framework of the United Nations, it regulates the use of drones in situations of war and armed conflicts.


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How to Cite

Marouf, S. K., Aziz, Y. M., & Khairullah, I. K. (2020). Liability for damages resulting from the use of aircraft Unmanned "drone" in domestic laws and international law. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(4), 333–341.


