The possibilities available to implement the experience of sovereign funds in the Kurdistan Region and their role in supporting financial sustainability in it


  • Muhanad A. Mohammed Department of Economics, Nowruz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Parween M. Haji Department of Economics, Nowruz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The sovereign wealth funds of the financial instruments that took ample space of attention lately as a result of the increasing Almaztrd in the preparation and the growing diversity of its assets and investments and acquisitions, These funds are no longer limited to the oil surpluses of countries today, but surpassed to other countries that are trying to take advantage of the experience, especially in the field of control and financial sustainability, And the Kurdistan Region can take advantage of this tool to support future financial sustainability, especially with the heavy reliance on depleted resource (oil), And research is an attempt to extrapolate the effects of the financial sustainability of the region if the experiment has been applied starting from 2017 until 2035 and that by focusing on, the changes that will occur in the government's net wealth and future trends, The research concluded that the effects on net wealth and then fiscal sustainability will be positive with the assumption that the allocation of the province's 10% of the oil revenues to finance its sovereign fund .


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مصادر البحث
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How to Cite

A. Mohammed, M., & M. Haji, P. (2021). The possibilities available to implement the experience of sovereign funds in the Kurdistan Region and their role in supporting financial sustainability in it. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(3), 154–169.


