The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Balance of Payments: an Econometric Study for the Period (2004-2019), Iraq as a Model


  • Nizar Walid Qasim Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Kalthum Abdelqader Hayawi Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



The balance of payments is of great importance at the level of macroeconomic analysis of any country, because it includes economic connotations and indicators that reflect the strength of the country’s economy and the degree of its integration with the global economy. Countries strive to maintain the stability of this balance through the use of a set of policies and procedures, because the stability of the balance of payments would Maintaining various macroeconomic balances, which contributes to achieving the desired economic goals of the country’s economy. Monetary policy is considered one of the important policies used by the state to intervene in economic activity and direct it according to the desired goals and address economic imbalances.
Achieving balance in the balance of payments is one of the most prominent and important goals of monetary policy, as the latter uses a set of tools to maintain the balance of payments in balance and work to restore it to an equilibrium position in the event that it is exposed to any imbalance, whether automatically through market forces, or through the intervention of monetary authorities. .
The study assumes that there is an impact at different levels of monetary policy variables on the balance of payments during the study period. The study aims to identify the role that monetary policy plays in achieving balance in the Iraqi balance of payments, through familiarity with all aspects of monetary policy as well as the balance of payments. The results of the study showed that There is a relationship with a significant and positive effect for both the GDP variable and the interest rate with the Iraqi balance of payments. As for the broad money supply, it had an inverse relationship with the balance of payments. The exchange rate variable, inflation, and crude oil prices were excluded from the measurement due to their failure. In passing the T-test of significance.



The balance of payments has great significance on the level of macroeconomic analysis of any country because it organizes economic significance and indicators that reflect the power of the country’s economy and the degree of its integration with the global economy, while governments are seeking to maintain the stability of this balance through the use of a set of policies and procedures because the balance of payments stability would maintain various macroeconomic balances, which contributes to achieving the required economic objectives for the country. Hence, Monetary policy is one of the significant policies that countries adopted to intervene in economic activities and direct it according to the required objectives and address economic imbalances.

Achieving balance in the balance of payments is one of the most prominent and most significant objectives of monetary policy, as recently utilized a set of instruments to maintain the balance of payments balance and working into a return to the equilibrium position in the event of any imbalance, whether automatically through market forces, or the intervention of monetary authorities.

The study assumption showed that there are an impact at different levels of the variables of monetary policy on the balance of payments during the study period, the study aims to identify the role played by the monetary policy on the balance of payments through familiarity with all aspects of monetary policy as well as the balance of payments.

The study results showed that the variables, gross domestic product and interest rate, were positively impacts on the balance of payments, while the broad money supply had a negative impact on the balance of payments, Has been the exclusion of variables, inflation, exchange rate, and and crude oil prices, for not pass the moral T-test.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Walid Qasim, N., & Abdelqader Hayawi, K. (2023). The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Balance of Payments: an Econometric Study for the Period (2004-2019), Iraq as a Model. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 12(4), 1092–1109.


