Study and analysis of the economic reality of women in the Arab world Using human development standards


  • Hafidh Jasim Arab Department of Economics, Nowruz University, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The bad economic and social situation that women live in in the Arab countries is what led to this study. The importance of research is the great role that women must play in economic life in the Arab world, and the resulting economic and social effects.

The research aims to identify the economic reality of women in the Arab world and how to promote them to play a major role in economic and social development. The research problem stems from the deteriorating situation that women live in in most Arab countries. It suffers from marginalization, oppression, injustice, illiteracy and the lack of opportunities for women, in addition to gender discrimination due to the patriarchy of society.


The research assumes that women in the Arab world suffer from exclusion, marginalization and gender discrimination. The research has found that the status of women in the oil-rich Gulf countries is better than their situation in other countries, due to the small population in addition to the financial abundance of these countries. The research concluded with a set of proposals.


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How to Cite

Jasim Arab, H. (2022). Study and analysis of the economic reality of women in the Arab world Using human development standards. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 11(3), 251–261.


