Total productive maintenance and its role in promoting sustainable manufacturing


  • Majida Mohsen Abdul Rahman Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economy, Dohuk University, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
  • Mihavan Sharif Kully Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economy, Zakhou University, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.



الكلمات المفتاحية : الصيانة الانتاجية الشاملة ، التصنيع المستدام


The current study seeks to highlight the  role of  Total   productive maintenance in promoting sustainable  industrialization  by applying to iron and steel factories for the Kurdistan Region of  Iraq, the study aims to provide  theoretical and field framing for the management of industrial organizations  researched for  the concepts of  (sustainable manufacturing , and Total productive maintenance).                                   

(170) questionnaires were distributed to the employees and analyzed using the( spss) program, A number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which is the existence of a significant relationship between the variables  of  the study, and it was  found  that the dimensions of Total productive maintenance  (self-maintenance, continuous improvement, planned maintenance, maintenance quality, training and  education,  maintenance office,  health,  safety  and environment, and early management of equipment) directly affect the approved variable  Sustainable  manufacturing, and a number of proposals  were  presented, the most important of which is that achieving sustainable manufacturing  at its best levels comes from owning the industrial  organizations surveyed from employing the dimensions of Total   productive maintenance (TPM) with them.                                                                                                                                       


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How to Cite

Mohsen Abdul Rahman, M., & Sharif Kully, M. (2024). Total productive maintenance and its role in promoting sustainable manufacturing. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 62–81.


