The role of strategic alliances in achieving entrepreneurial orientation / an analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers in a number of commercial companies in Dohuk Governorate / Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Jagar Mustafa Ismail Department of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Administration and Economics, Zakho University
  • Saad Fadel Abbas Al Mahmoud Department of Business Administration, College of Management and Economics, University of Dohuk



The current research aims to identify the impact of strategic alliances in achieving entrepreneurial orientation in commercial companies. The field of research includes commercial companies in Dohuk Governorate in the Kurdistan region. The research sample was chosen from managers in senior management and middle management and a number of companies, which amounted to (72) individuals, and it was adopted The questionnaire form was prepared as the main tool for collecting data, and data analysis was conducted for the field side using the statistical program (SPSS V26). The results of the research concluded that strategic alliances have an impact on achieving entrepreneurial orientation and recommended the need to pay attention to types of alliances that would enhance entrepreneurship in commercial companies.


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How to Cite

Mustafa Ismail, J., & Fadel Abbas Al Mahmoud, S. (2024). The role of strategic alliances in achieving entrepreneurial orientation / an analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers in a number of commercial companies in Dohuk Governorate / Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1306–1323.


