Estimating the surface runoff volume and its associated flood risks for the Nirdosh Valley watershed in the Sheikhan district using the SCS-CN method.


  • Shamal Ahmed Amin University of Dohuk, College of Humanities, Department of Geography
  • Ahmed Ali Hassan University of Dohuk, College of Humanities, Department of Geography



The study of watersheds hydrologic ally is an important subject in determining and estimating surface runoff and the resulting risks. Several software programs were employed to determine and analyze the hydrological characteristics of Nirdosh Valley basin, which has an area of 264.8 km², located in the Shekhan district, south of Duhok province. The natural data of the basin's soil were analyzed based on the Bjornson classification; while land use and land cover classification were performed using supervised classification of satellite imagery through the use of (ArcGIS, WMS V11.0, and ENVI). The Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) method was adopted to estimate the surface runoff using the WMS V11.0 software. The area was classified into two types (B, C), while the land cover was classified into seven categories using data from the American Landsat satellite, in order to extract the CN values,


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How to Cite

Ahmed Amin, S., & Ali Hassan, A. (2024). Estimating the surface runoff volume and its associated flood risks for the Nirdosh Valley watershed in the Sheikhan district using the SCS-CN method. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1124–1136.


