Diagnosing the reality of applying electronic accounting information systems in commercial banks in Dohuk Governorate


  • Azhar Sidqi Muhammad Zaher Nawroz University, Dohuk, Kurdistan Region, Iraq




The research aims to evaluate the electronic accounting information system by studying and evaluating the usability of the basic components of the electronic accounting information system, and evaluating the usability of the characteristics related to the quality of the electronic accounting information system for electronic accounting. Commercial Bank of Dohuk Governorate, and the system’s ability to meet the needs of accounting information users. Formulating policies and preparing budgets from the financial department, managing commercial banks, and providing the necessary data for entities to departmental units. And understanding the risks of using the electronic accounting information system at Dohuk Commercial Bank, as well as the most important reasons for these risks and procedures to prevent these risks. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers reviewed research in this field using descriptive analysis methods, then prepared a special questionnaire to be distributed to commercial banks in Dohuk Governorate. Then they analyzed the collected data and understood the risks of using the electronic accounting information system in Dohuk Commercial Bank, as well as the most important reasons for these risks and measures to prevent them. These risks. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers reviewed the research in this field using descriptive analysis methods, then prepared a special questionnaire to be distributed to commercial banks in Dohuk Governorate, then they analyzed the collected data, and based on it, some conclusions were drawn in identifying the most important basic components of the electronic accounting information system and Evaluating the availability of characteristics related to the quality of electronic accounting information systems, the ability of the system to meet users’ needs for accounting information, and the risks facing electronic accounting information systems in commercial banks in Dohuk Governorate. Most importantly, the study found that the electronic accounting information system of the Regional Commercial Bank in Dohuk meets the needs of data users and financial management to a moderate extent, as the electronic accounting information system was designed to provide information to the various governing, supervisory and auxiliary agencies of the banking unit.


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How to Cite

Sidqi Muhammad Zaher, A. (2024). Diagnosing the reality of applying electronic accounting information systems in commercial banks in Dohuk Governorate. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 13(2), 1181–1201. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v13n2a2013


