Policies for redevelopment (is it the required planning solution for the reality of urban environments)


  • Maha J. Al-Malaeka Department of spatial planning, University of Dohuk, Kurdistan region of Iraq




The Iraqi city in general and the city of Baghdad, with its deteriorating urban reality, pose a planning and design challenge for urban planners and architects alike. An overview of the urban reality of the city today gives a clear picture of the urban and environmental degradation of the urban environment in Baghdad. The temporary and hasty solutions that have been implemented previously, in addition to the planning, design and development slowness that the city has suffered and still suffers, requires serious and comprehensive solutions to change the urban and urban reality of the city by following bold and comprehensive redevelopment policies. This paper attempts to present it through a review of the local and international experiences. Urban rehabilitation and rehabilitation of the urban environment of Baghdad, after years of neglect and war.


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How to Cite

Al-Malaeka, M. J. (2019). Policies for redevelopment (is it the required planning solution for the reality of urban environments). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 8(1), 396–408. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v8n1a331


