The Use Of Spatial Techniques In The Assessment Of The Fire Service In The City Of Duhok


  • Mezgeen M. Hussien College of Basic Education, Gography Department, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Redar N. Abdulrahman College of Basic Education, Gography Department, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



Geography, City Management, Spatial distribution, Fire Extinguishing Service


The spatial techniques represented by GIS entered strongly in the planning and management of cities in general and in management planning, providing and evaluation of services, in particular, this technical base and extensive spatial data and its characteristics and provides maps to help and contribute to the development of appropriate decisions by those responsible for the management of cities and provide services which offer including raising the efficiency of those services. ArcGIS10.3 software represented many tolls  in this field by analysis of networks and its tools, such as Location-Allocation and Service area which to propose sites for services which contribute to make the best decisions in raising the efficiency of services provided. The research aims to evaluate the firefighting service in the city of Duhok using the techniques mentioned, predicted number needed and enough of these centers on the basis of the arrival time to the sites of fires. Research is divided into two main sections, first, it displays the current civil defense centers properties (spatial and functional), and the second part discusses the application of these two techniques, and concludes on the findings and suggestions contribute to providing this service bitterly in Duhok city.


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(1) جاء هذا العدد حسب خطة مديرية الدفاع المدني في دهوك.
(2) تمت الإستعانة بمساعد البرنامج (Help of software) لتطبيق تقنيتي(Location-Allocation و Service Area ).على الرابط التالي:
(3) ليس هناك زمن مثالي للوصول الى مواقع حوادث الحريق، لذلك تم الاعتماد على عدة أزمنة



How to Cite

Hussien, M. M., & Abdulrahman, R. N. (2017). The Use Of Spatial Techniques In The Assessment Of The Fire Service In The City Of Duhok. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 6(1), 365–374.


