The effect of some economic variables on tourism development Algeria case study period (1980-2017)


  • Hafidh J. Arab Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan region of Iraq
  • Yosra H. J. Al-hayaly Department of Economics, Mosul University, Iraq
  • Shayma S. Ilyas Department of Economics, Mosul University, Iraq



Tourism is one of the main foundations that support the economic development process, and its importance is increasing day by day within the economic, social, cultural, political, and other fields. The interest of the countries of the world in this sector and its institutions has increased due to a deep awareness of its importance at the level of the individual, the institution and the state. Tourism plays a prominent and important role in supporting the survival of institutions The various institutions, and these institutions, in turn, achieve an acceptable level of quality of life for the population, and contribute to building a sustainable national economy. The importance of tourism increases and its development and strategic role grows, especially in countries that are distinguished by their civilization, religious and cultural heritage, their monuments, historical monuments and attractive nature, as is the case in Algeria.
The tourism sector is one of the vital sectors that play a leading role in the development process in Algeria, and it currently represents one of the most important economic resources in many countries of the world, with the financial flows it creates and the creation of job opportunities and an alternative to foreign investment ... etc., but it requires providing The tourism environment is suitable for the advancement of this effective sector.


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2.6المراجع الاجنبية
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2. International Monetary fund, International financial statistical IFS.



How to Cite

Arab, H. J., Al-hayaly, Y. H. J., & Ilyas, S. S. (2020). The effect of some economic variables on tourism development Algeria case study period (1980-2017). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(1), 349–358.


