The economic costs of terrorism and its impact on economic growth For a group of selected countries for the period (2004-2018)


  • Hashim M. Saeed College of Administration and Economics, Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Akram S. Yousif College of Administration and Economics, Department of Economics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



- Economic costs 2- terrorism 3- Economic growth


The study discusses the most important economic drivers of terrorism and their direct and indirect costs and their impact on the economic growth of a group of selected countries in Asia and Africa during the period (2004-2018), using the built-in data method (Panel Data) within the estimated standard model to analyze and estimate the impact of terrorism on economic growth. On some economic variables for these countries, including the ratio of military spending to total public spending and net foreign direct investment inflows into the country, the ratio of tourism sector revenues to total public revenues, in addition to the variable of the ratio of exports to gross domestic product to indicate the extent of the economic openness of the selected countries and the impact of all these The variables in the per capita gross domestic product, the study also examines the economic implications of this phenomenon and ways to confront it from an economic perspective. The results of the study show that the relationship between terrorism and economic growth is a negative relationship, so that the more violence and wars increase, the economic growth rates of countries have decreased. Selected within the study sample.


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How to Cite

M. Saeed, H., & S. Yousif, A. (2021). The economic costs of terrorism and its impact on economic growth For a group of selected countries for the period (2004-2018). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 10(2), 329–345.


