Total quality management as an input to face domestic policies and conflicts in the business environment


  • Mahfoudh H. Al-Sawaf College of Economics and Administrative, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq



Management, quality, internal conflicts, business environment and industrial organizations


The aim of this research is to highlight the internal politics in the organization as a game plays by everybody, but nobody talks about it. It is one of the most underemphasized but over practiced barriers to organizational performance that exists the root causes of internal practice are person insecurity. Self-interest, a hunger of power, ambitions .In other word, the root cause of internal politics is human nature. Total quality management attempts to introduce a method to reduce the negative influence of internal politics. One of the fundamental cornerstones of total quality management is unity of purpose. This means that all employees at all levels understand the vision and are united in their efforts to accomplish it.


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How to Cite

Al-Sawaf, M. H. (2018). Total quality management as an input to face domestic policies and conflicts in the business environment. Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 7(1), 24–33.


