The role of financial and operational restructuring in improving financial performance (An analytical study on a sample of Iraqi government banks)


  • Mohammed Sh. Hasan College of Administration and Economics, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Nawzad R. Zubair College of Administration and Economics, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



The research dealt with the role of financial and operational restructuring in improving the financial performance of Iraqi government banks, as the research problem was posed by a major question that is the research government banks need to financial and operational restructuring and what is their role in improving financial performance? The importance of the research stems from the fact that government banks are one of the main pillars of the Iraqi banking system and the role they play in the Iraqi economy. The topic has acquired exceptional importance in a governmental banking environment that seems most in need of restructuring in its financial and operational aspects to keep pace with global developments and meet modern banking requirements.
Depending on what is presented and the importance of government banks, the current research seeks to define the role of financial and operational restructuring in improving financial performance in the light of analyzing the data collected by the financial statements to analyze the financial side and the questionnaire to analyze the operational side distributed to a sample of officials in the researched government banks. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are:
Iraqi government banks suffer from problems in various financial fields in addition to operational problems that are not being able to meet the needs and desires of dealers, which negatively affected the level of their financial performance and lowers the level of confidence in them by dealers.
There is a positive moral effect of financial and operational restructuring combined in improving financial performance, as the determination factor reached (58.3%). The researcher concludes in light of this that improving financial performance derives its characteristics and components from the financial and operational restructuring process.
And proposals were made consistent with these conclusions, the most important of which are raising capital funds for government banks that do not meet the capital adequacy rates gradually by the Ministry of Finance in a way that enhances their adequacy and adequacy and to match the amount of funding that these banks grant and with the size of their deposits and in order to be able to withstand competition and increase confidence in them, Increasing investment in banking technology and providing advanced services that meet the needs and desires of customers.


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How to Cite

Hasan, M. S., & Zubair, N. R. (2020). The role of financial and operational restructuring in improving financial performance (An analytical study on a sample of Iraqi government banks). Academic Journal of Nawroz University, 9(1), 504–520.


