Political Trust in Times of Pandemic: A Survey on The Impact of Covid-19 on The Situation of Refugees in The Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Mohammedali Yaseen Taha Department of Political, College of Law and Politics, Nawroz University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Keywords: Political Trust, Social Cohesion, Syrian Refugee Crisis, Covid-19 Crisis, Survey.


The northern region of Iraq (the KRI) hosts the majority of Syrian refugees and IDPs. The KRI hosts more than 98% of registered Syrian refugees in Iraq. In the KRI, like anywhere else, the pandemic has more socio-economic and psychological impact among the refugee population.  According to another report published by the ESCWA, the pandemic has resulted in increased stigma, xenophobia and discrimination. According to the same source, the refugees have been constantly accused of contributing to a wider spread of COVID-19, and of having a significant impact on food security, nutrition and access to basic services. 

This survey has been conducted to investigate the impact of the pandemic and its ramifications on the refugee community in the KRI. It has been conducted solely among the refugees residing inside the camps located in three KRI governorates, Erbil, Duhok and Suleymania, which represent 39% percent of the total refugee community in the KRI.  The research aims to assess the socio-political/economic impact of the COVID-19 situation on the community which lives in the camps across the region, and focuses on the situation of the refugee population inside the camps during the pandemic. It examines (i) the challenges this community faces because of the pandemic; (ii) the way the Syrian refugee communities deal and interact with the news of COVID-19; (iii) the economic impact of the pandemic and the levels of self-reliance and revenues of this community; (iv) this community’s interest in and knowledge of the current issues; (v) the degree of satisfaction with the quality of services in the camps, and (vi) general trust in the state’s institutions.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Yaseen Taha, M. (2022). Political Trust in Times of Pandemic: A Survey on The Impact of Covid-19 on The Situation of Refugees in The Kurdistan Region of Iraq. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 11(4), 375–399. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v11n4a1333


