Assessing University Students’ Competence in Translating English Discourse Connectives into Kurdish


  • Mahdi Tawfiq Saddiq Department of Translation, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • Shivan Shlaymoon Toma Department of Translation, College of Languages, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq



The present study sets out to assess university students’ competence in translating English discourse connectives into Kurdish. It also attempts to study the impact of teaching on students’ translation competence for rendering these elements. Discourse connectives are one of the main subcategories of textual metadiscourse elements which play a crucial role in text organization and the creation of cohesion. Their class is mainly comprised of conjunctions and adverbials which connect ideas at intrasentential, intersentential, and textual levels. Appropriate recognition, utilization, and translation of English discourse connectives are problematic and challenging for Kurdish EFL learners and translators. Moreover, some connectors are multifunctional and polysemous in nature. This paper aims at highlighting some of these translation problems and assessing students’ competence in their rendering at the pre-test and post-test. The research design is mixed method and employs a Translation Task and a Judgement Elicitation Task as two means for measuring translation competence. These tests were carried out on 40 Third-Year students at the Department of Translation, College of Languages, University of Duhok. The study concluded that students possessed enough translation competence for making judgements on the appropriate renditions of the discourse connectives. In contrast, they failed to appropriately translate besides, although, nevertheless, yet, provided that, otherwise, unless, for, thereby, and so that in the pre-test. Furthermore, holding teaching sessions on the classifications, functions, and translation of discourse connectives had a significant impact on the acquisition of translation competence in the post-test.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Tawfiq Saddiq, M. ., & Shlaymoon Toma, S. . (2024). Assessing University Students’ Competence in Translating English Discourse Connectives into Kurdish. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 13(1), 608–624.


