Ensuring Better Service Assurance using Scalable Monitoring and Resource Management


  • Mohammed J. Mohammed College of Engineering, Nawroz University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan



الكلمات المفتاحية:

IP، Monitoring، Traffic Engineering، Differentiated Services، Active/Passive Measurements، Scalability


This research is about the construction of scalable monitoring system for monitoring the network in both offline and online mode. Continuous monitoring of network status and its resources like host, router etc in a scalable manner to ensure the proper operation of the network is the goal of this proposed system. The proposed system is scalable in terms of network size, speed and the number of customers subscribed to value-added services. It also provides the measurements for network provision, dynamic resource allocation, route management and the in-service service verification.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


1. D. Goderis et al., “Service Level Specification Semantics and Parameters,” Internet draft, draft-tequila-sls-02.txt.
2. S. Blake, D. Black, et al., “An Architecture for Differentiated Services”, Informational RFC-2475.
3. A. Feldman et al., “Netscape: Traffic Engineering for IP Networks”, IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 11-19, March/April 2000.
4. “A Scalable Real-time Monitoring System for Supporting Traffic Engineering” Abolghasem Asgari, Panos Trimintzios, Mark Irons, George Pavlou, Richard Egan, Steven V. den Berghe. www.snmplink.org.



كيفية الاقتباس

Mohammed, M. J. (2018). Ensuring Better Service Assurance using Scalable Monitoring and Resource Management. المجلة الأكاديمية لجامعة نوروز, 7(3), 7–9. https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v7n3a194


